[QUOTE="karasill"][QUOTE="leadernator"]I did answer your question. You're just not accepting it. 'I can say the same for Crysis except it's one level above MGS4 in every way.' RIIIIIIGHT :|
Because there's a huge mech-on-mech battle in Crysis, right? Motor-bike chase gameplay? Varying environments? What are they?
Do yourself a favor. READ BOTH GS REVIEWS. You'll get your answer from gamespot. GS does mention Crysis to have 'dense' and 'linear' environments, with a 6 hour campaign. There are negatives in the MGS4 review as well. I'm sure there's a lot to factor in... you're simply stuck on the 'textures.'
Like I said, it's not Blasphemy at all to praise MGS4's visuals as some of the best out there.
I'm not stuck on the textures :| They are just simply better in crysis Warhead. As is the lighting, the character models, the special effects, the larger environments. I bet you havent even played Crysis Warhead on very high settings. If you had, I doubt you'd be defending GS's choice. Seriously, you have no idea how foolish you sound. I've seen both games running before me, both on a 50" HDTV, and MGS4 is not the best technically. Scenarios in a game has nothing to do with technical graphics. Technical means the technology behind the game's look. Meaning what about it makes the game look the way it does, not the scenario that is being played out. It's how advanced and realistic the lighting, the textures, the geometry count, the character models, the size of the enviroments, the particle effects and other special effects are that determine what game has the best technical graphics.
So answer my question, point it out. What does MGS4 do better then Crysis Warhead? Does is have better lighting? Does it have better looking water? Does it have better looking particle effects? Does it have better and mre realistic looking character models? Does it have larger enviroments? A larger draw distance? Does it have volumetric clouds and smoke? Does it have an actaul sky and not a sky box? The list can go on and on. Please name it because I'm dying to know.
They are not simply 'scenarios,' they are GAMEPLAY. NOT SCENES. GAMEPLAY. Seriously, I actually might have to cap everything to get into your head.
I answered your lame question. I'll answer it again, and you'll be like 'I'm still waiting for my answer.' SHUT IT MAN. They are only videogames.
How do you know EXACTLY that Crysis does EVERYTHING better? It's got that one environment. whoopee. How about this, find the technical blue prints for EACH GAME, polygon counts and what, environment scale... I WANT ACTUAL NUMBERS. How about that? Can you do it? Didn't think so. That's about the only thing that can satisfy your pitiful argument. If you, and other fanboys can't accept GS's OPINION (key word), that's simply your guys' failing, and your guys' failing alone.
MGS4 is a technical achievement whether you like it or not, and simply deserves every bit of attention it gets. Crysis is awesome too, but in the end, they are JUST VIDEOGAMES. Like I said. Cry. Cry on. It won't do any of you good... and it especially isn't doing me any good wasting time here. I'm out.
Their opinion is wrong because technical awards are based off facts.
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