March 25th, 2013 - Issue 68
Letter from the Editor:
Does intentionally going against what other people think count as being opinionated? Only if I don't like how you diss my games! WARS MAGAZINE!!!!
- Willy105, Totally Not Biased In Any Way
In this Issue:
PODCAST: Pedal to the Metal #3 - Sheep Invasion!
DFeaturing your hosts Heil68 and The Eroica, with drops of Jupiter and OreoMilshake. We talk about the Wii U and Nintendo rehashes!MP3 Download Link or Youtube version!
REPORT: Is Luigi's Mansion 2's Metacritic score inflated?
Gamespot's Carolyn Petit definetaly thinks so. By Willy105
ARTICLE: Journey Was Special
Just how great was Journey? Better than your game. By NAPK1NS
ARTICLE: Looking Back at the Mass Effect Trilogy
Did this generation's premier sci-fi trilogy lived up to it's hype? By WiiCubeM1
REVIEW: Sonic Generations Unleashed Project
We review this official expansion pack for Sonic Genera....wait, it's a mod? By Willy105
What does SWM think about the PLAYSTATION 4 ®?
The Eroica
By the Community for the Community!
Want to ask the hosts a question?
Post one on the thread directed at them, and they might answer it in the next episode!
Want to be in the next episode?
PM Heil68 or The Eroica to be in the next one!
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Got an Article or Review that you want featured on System Wars Magazine?
PM Willy105 to get it in the next issue!
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