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#1 Willy105
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February 20 to March 5 - Issue 51 - @swm_magazine



  • Playstation Vita enters the race, can't shift gears
  • Vita Review: Super Stardust Delta
  • Vita Review: Lumines: Electronic Symphony
  • Sonic Generations review
  • Sonic CD review
  • Battle Royale February 2011 VITA EDITION *New!*



The 3DS broke a sales record, it reached 5 million in sales in Japan. However, it was dead on arrival in March 2011.

With an exaggerated $250 price tag (the same price as the far more powerful Vita, to be released the following year) and a lineup without a true system seller, sales plummeted so much that Nintendo publicly apologized for their system.

They created a new campaign to make the 3DS desirable to gamers, releasing games people wanted to play, securing future exclusive games (such as Monster Hunter), and lowering the price of the system by $80; the end result got the system to sell from a paltry 3 million worldwide in March to 15 million by December of the same year.

This sudden surge by Nintendo did not help the Vita. What was once a far better value than the 3DS now has to fight an uphill battle to win over gamers in Japan. It launched in Japan with only 325 thousand units sold, and falling to 74 thousand the next week. By the 9th week, it was only selling 14 thousand units.

Many have debated what went wrong with the Vita launch. What Nintendo got wrong with their 3DS launch was obvious; people simply did not know the 3DS was not a next-gen successor to the DS, and they had no reason to buy it with such a large price tag and without a game the general audience could get behind (Street Fighter IV and Ghost Recon was not going to do it).

The Vita however, is a slightly different story. It was about to launch at the same price as the 3DS with more powerful hardware, but the last-minute dramatic drop of the 3DS price suddenly made the Vita's price harder to stomach. Hidden costs such as expensive proprietary memory cards that are required to save data are also damaging the appeal of the system, with a 16 GB card taking you back $60 USD, and a 32 GB one costing $100 USD.

With the Vita now releasing worldwide this week, we have yet to see how it will fare outside Japan. However, it still leaves Sony with a big problem: the Vita is failing in the only market where the PSP was a true success.



Platform: iOS devices under review, also on PSN and XBLA

Sonic blasted out of the gate in June of '91, back in the heyday of Super Mario, and when now third party sega could afford to fund a console all their own. The blue blur had the 90's attitude, and eventually rose to go toe to toe with then undisputed king, Mario. Advance to 1993, and the CD add on for the Genesis was in dire need of a killer app. Enter Sonic the Hedgehog CD, a title that took the hedgehog on a little trip through time. It wasn't enough for the floundering Sega CD, and the game became somewhat of a cult cIassic. Fast forward to 2011, and the game is getting new life on downloadable platforms and not only outpaces expectations, but leaves them in the dust.

The premise of Sonic traveling to Never Lake, to observe the mysterious, time manipulating little planet, only to find it under the control of Dr. Eggman is altogether irrelevant to the game as it was every game in its day. It does however tie into the biggest difference between this game and the rest of the original series is an element of time travel.

As a player, you can ignore it completely and play through the game as its given to you, but those who want to secure the best ending need to either hunt through the stage in the past to locate a robot making machine to make the future a better place, or secure the time stones through the always devious special stages in order to remove Eggman's hold on time. Neither path is particularly easy, but both are satisfying when you finally locate that machine or grab that last time stone. The platforming is handled by the ever tricky d-pad and button overlaid on top of the game screen, and usually the lack of physical feedback becomes the console gamer's kryptonite. This is still tricky at first, but easy enough to get into the rhythm after a few stages. Aside from the occasional slip of the thumb, gamers will find themselves rocketing all over with ease soon enough.

Not content to simply port the original code to the new mobile platforms, here we have the game running on a completely new engine. The game runs like Grease lightning at all times and the engine change affords the ability to loop the Music tracks properly, use the Sonic 2 spin dash, and even introduce Tails as an unlockable character for the first time. This, along with achievements, and two distinct soundtracks to switch between make this the definitive version to get.

Not to be one to give the impression that all is candy and rainbows in Sonic Land, their are a few issues that niggle at players at the worst times. Aside from control glitches that usually stem from lack of feedback, it doesn't always play nice with multitasking and you may return to your game after a call to find the sound gone. Some of the later level design borders on torture and the time attack mode forces you to exit to the menu and re-enter the stage instead of giving a simple restart button. Granted most of these complaints will disappear depending on whether you decide to play this on a different platform, but they are issues for the iOS crowd none the less.

Sonic CD provides any mobile gamer with a traditional platformer done more than right, with good control, flawless emulation of a cIassic and additions that only add to the value, this is one not to be missed.



Platform: Xbox 360 under review. Also on PS3.

Oh Sonic, it's been a rough few years buddy. Once right near the top on the Sega Genesis, only to fall from grace once 3D mixed with you like oil and water. Their have been some peaks and valleys, but it looks like your upward climb is continuing with Sonic Generations. A game that is in every way a love letter to your fans and the last 20 years.

Sonic Generations is very self aware of the ludicrous premise it sets for itself as an excuse to revise past levels in cIassic Sonic 2 side scrolling bliss, and blistering racetrack styIe Sonic Colors sprints. A mysterious force throws Sonics old and new into a time void, and now they need to run really fast through recreations of older locals because that fixes time somehow. Overall there for the sake of a loose narrative, but at least it's able to poke fun at itself.

Gameplay is essentially broken into 2 distinct halves, each MC'd by a sonic and a gameplay styIe. Act 1 of the games nine stages have the cIassic sonic spinning, bounding and breaking through remade stages with a move set reminiscent of Sonic 2, while Act 2 brings today's hedgehog barreling through environments that swap between a behind the back 3D perspective and a 2D side scrolling affair focused on speed, and split second timing over his more rhythmic doppelgänger. Challenges for each are unlocked following each of the three sections of the game that push your abilities with both hedgehogs, as well as unlock concept art, or alternate songs to play on each stage. Both play well, and control similarly enough to not cause undue shock to players switching between them, but have distinct abilities to complement their two styIes.

Visuals are sharp and clean, giving plenty of eye candy at the rare moments you can stop and enjoy the scenery, but the game is built to be sped through quickly, much like a racing game. Slowdown is incredibly rare, and little is going to pull you out of the game. Sharp remixes of tunes throughout the series are matched to each stage in a cIassic and modern variety, with the challenges backed by even more obscure tunes from lesser known titles like the Game Boy Advance brawler, Sonic Battle. The game gives you the option to switch up the music in each stage if you simply cannot hear City Escape again and it's a welcome addition.

Sonic Generations sends gamers on a wild, if brief trip down memory lane. With plenty of replay value from the online time attack mode, memorable stages given the newfangled touch and dozens of challenges for players to master, Sonic may be back on the fast track to fame.

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#2 Willy105
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System Wars is a fun place, first the 3DS was doomed now the Vita is also doomed, it's doom, doom, dooooooooomed!

Suprisingly though while everyone is shouting about the death of Sony and all things Sony related, the PS-Vita is still here and it's still releasing games doomed or not. I picked up the early "Collectors" edition of the PS-Vita and knew that one game deserved my attention first and foremost. Touch my Katamari....no, that's for another day when it's actually available for purchase!

No, ladies and gentlemen of System Wars I speak of Lumines.

Now you may be tempted at first glance to say Lumines: Electronic Symphony looks just like any other lumines game on the surface, so whats so special about this one?

The answer: Nothing really, the game is what it is, a Lumines games you can't monkey around with the core mechanics a great deal without destroying the delicate balance of a really smooth puzzle game experience. Although... as much as I say it's the same a swath of new features come to the game and none of them detract from the overall experience and at best add a new layer of depth to the game.

For any poor soul who hasn't ever played Lumines I'll break it down for you as easilly as I can.

You start with a large grid to place 2x2 blocks that fall from the top of your screen ala Tetris(If you haven't played Tetris...GTFO), each block can have 2 different colours in a variation layouts. Your goal is to make at solid squares out of these blocks combining 4 or more in a square shape, check the image below for an example of a combination of blocks.

Simple enough right? Well here comes the tricky part while you are playing a "Timeline" sweep through your screen clearing away the blocks you have combined, getting as large a combo as possible before the timeline sweeps them away is essential to getting a high score so some risk/reward mechanics are in place to reward you for making larger combos for risking the inevitable "Crap I missed the timeline" block screwup that will occur.

The game hinges on it's "Skins" to deliver a unique experience unavailable in other puzzlers each level has it's own speed, tone, background, and music that plays out with your actions on screen. That's about it for the basics of the game I'll return to the new one now.

While it may be more of the same for some, the new skins and music alone are worth the price of admission taking your through a musical journey while you bend your mind solving your blocky tower. The standard mode "Voyage" takes you through a musical adventure holding a variaty of skins to unlock and being the main mode of the game, there is no "Winning" the game as when you reach the end it will just loop to the first track (There are around 20 skins in the main mode) One thing players familliar to the series will pick up on is that if you loose, the game gives you a chance to wipe your score but continue playing on instead of having to fight your way back to the skin you really wanted to unlock, a welcome feature for sure but takes a bit of the fun out of unlocking all the skins through sheer skill.

Among other modes you have a "World block" that will count all the blocks players around the world have cleared and if enough players contribute you get a exp reward at the end of the day...did I mention the exp system? Unlocking avatars (Little players on the side of your screen mainly for flare in the old games) happens as you play through the game gaining exp for clearing blocks and high scores, they have more of a higher purpose in this game that I will touch on later.

While there is no puzzle mode this time around, the stopwatch makes a comeback clearing as many blocks as you can in a set ammount of time and those looking for a real challenge will take on "Master mode" trying to clear a set ammount of blocks in a progresively faster pace. Of course Vs makes a return as well being able to challenge friends of Ad-hoc (no net play).

The two big additions that can be game changers to the game is the introduction of the "Shuffle block" and "Avatar skills". The powerblock makes it's return acting much like previous games allowing you to clear large swaths of like coloured blocks if they are touching eachother.

a new type of powerblock emerges that at first glance will ruin your day the "Shuffle" block will randomly change any and all blocks that are conected to it and early in the game will murder your precisely planned combos. It's usefullness only shines in the later stages of the game when you end with mountains of blocks near the top of the screen having a shuffle block "Randomize" your stacks of unmatched blocks can lead to having whole massive areas of the screen cleared out, saved my bacon a few times. The second big addition the "Avatar skills" are each avatar has a special skill to use in Voyage and Vs mode, they can range from being able to spawn your next block as a powerblock or shuffle block for beginers to more advanced abillities like holding blocks on the top of your screen for longer or pausing the timeline to allow for massive combos.

All in all Lumines: Electronic Symphony delivers on the most important aspect of the series...the music, entrancing and beatifull is all I can say one has to experience it (Headphones people) to get the full effect. The game feels like your interacting with art at times instead of playing a full blown game it's easy to get almost entranced in block solving letting the world melt around you.

Forget Uncharted and Little deviants, Lumines should have been the pack-in game for this system. Sure it makes next to no use of the touch screen (you can swipe blocks with your finger but once the game actually picks up pace it would be impossible to use touch controls) or any of the systems other features, but what it does best is display the superior display of the PSV to the max with vibrant colours and crisp design. This is hands down the best instalment of the Lumines series to date, the only thing I miss is being able to challenge a (Ifuriatingly hard) AI opponent a small niggle in the best experience I have had with the PSV and probably one of the best games out for the system as it stands.

Socre: 9.5/10

Puzzle fans rejoice, the king is back and better than ever.



Platform: Playstation Vita

Ah, the dual stick shooter. A score driven genre that's found a new home on downloadable services, but not handhelds. That is, until now. Where the DS and PSP simply lacked the proper inputs to make these games run smooth, this premier PSV downloadable outing completely justifies your new purchase.

The gameplay in this entry of stardust simplifies itself out of design choices over limitation. Removing one of the weapons from Super Stardust HD and Super Stardust Portable leaves players with fire and ice to fling and two distinct enemy and obstacle types, each weak to a specific weapon and encouraging a rapid back and forth between the two in a frantic bid to survive the sometimes overwhelming odds.

Purists can stick to cIassic button only inputs, but the new Delta option makes use of the motion and touch options of the Vita for some dazzling specials that can make mincemeat out of the opposition.

Tapping the touchscreen launches out a flurry of missiles that destroy all unfortunate enough to be in their path, while players can use the back touch pad to summon a black hole that pulls in all asteroids within its huge range.

The attacks are stunning to watch and satisfying to unleash, but the black hole in particular can be triggered all to easily by a simply slip of the finger, leaving you more often than not stuck in a bombardment of asteroid chunks unexpectedly.

Controls are otherwise as tight as you would find on a home console, allowing for action that would have been overwhelming with any older input on a handheld. Basic enough to quickly learn and master, it won't take long to see all their is to see, and unlock the mostly passable mini games.

Music punctuates the frantic moment to moment gameplay with futuristic beats and techno. The most noticeable aspect must be the visuals however, highlighting the vibrant 5" screen with gorgeous 3D models and exploding with color and detail that is completely mind-blowing on a portable.

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#3 Willy105
Member since 2005 • 26211 Posts


It's Vita time!

Does it deliver a point for Sony, or does it ruin their game?


Vita is a solid system, Sony deserves a point for it.

Once support starts picking up, it's going to be an amazing system.


It's a decent system at the moment that will get better. It's launch games have been decent too, 7s nowadays indicate a pretty good game so I'd give Sony a point.


Considering I'm probably the only guy who bought one "Early" launch I can say without a doubt the Vita has a pretty "Meh" lineup for me at least, when it shines it's not because of it's features so far.

The only game that has hooked me in is Lumines Electronic Symphony...seriously they should have bundled this with the system not that crap little deviants.

But really it managed to get my purchase with the few awesome games it does have, and Touch my Katamari *While it's not available on the PSN for me at least yet* Looks and sounds like a great step forward for the series.

While the Vita launch was fairly weak in my opinion in terms of quality it beats the 3DS, and well Microsoft isn't even in the handheld race unless you count the Zune...and we don't want to count the zune...(No windows phone is not a handheld platform)

I'll give my point to Sony for no other reason that Lumines will eat all of my free time, but I do warn Sony they better get ontop of fixing a few of the niggles of the system nothing huge, but a bunch of tiny things that get anoying when compiled ontop of each other.


Sony should probably get a point just because the system exists and you can play games on it.

Well, that and Twisted Metal met hype.


Looks like a solid core gamer's handheld to me. good features, strong games lineup, Near-PS3 graphics. Sony made a good system.

Haters gonna hate.


I have been trying to win one via Taco Bell, so I suppose I got into the hype as well. Although, it's too early to say if this system will truly deliver (or if it even will be around next year), I think the Sony fans definitely deserves a point.


I got a first edition bundle too, Jynx. Rayman is pretty awesome.


I think it's a pretty solid system. It's features match today's technology standard in my opinion. The price is right for what it offers. I think SONY deserves some credit for actually competing with Nintendo in the handheld war. Lineup like always is weak as it's just starting, I never had too much confidence on Uncharted but I think starting late this year and beginning next year we'll see better results.


I forgot about Twisted Metal, surely breaking the 7.0/7.5 curse warrants a point.


So, we all agree that we throw Sony a well deserved bone then?

Only thing happening on other platforms is...well all that comes to mind is MGS3D.


Yeah, forget that. Sony wins!

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#4 OhSnapitz
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apparently the consumers have had enough vita.. :P
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#5 MLBknights58
Member since 2006 • 5016 Posts

Lol good issue.

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#6 Spartan070
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Still up in the air on the Vita, gonna have to be some great IPs and a sub-$150 price tag till I bite though.
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#7 Spartan070
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Super Stardust Delta looks amazing :shock:

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#8 D4W1L4H
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Ah dammit! I forgot to submit my article!

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#9 NeonNinja
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So I notice the Sonic Generations review lists it as Xbox 360 and PS3 release. You guys do know that there's a PC version on Steam as well, right?
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#10 shinrabanshou
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Despite perceptions the PSP was actually reasonably successful in the PAL regions.

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#11 AmayaPapaya
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I hope sony manages to do something soon. I'd hate to see it die. I am fairly interested in it.

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#12 Blabadon
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Should I pick option 5?
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#13 DeadMan1290
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I'm giving SONY a chance. We all should. It's coming out tomorrow, some people have it already and criticize it for the library. Seriously? The library? I say we give SONY this year and next and we'll see the Vita do better. 3DS is still awesome even if Vita surpasses it in sales. I like the 3DS and the Vita and will get both.

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#14 Junsei
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to tell the truth my first week with the playstation vita was kinda meh. i was really bothered that the front camera was so close to the square button. same with the speaker placement. but its a very nice looking handheld. hopefully the upcoming games can hold this system down for the long run.
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#15 Arach666
Member since 2009 • 23285 Posts
So I notice the Sonic Generations review lists it as Xbox 360 and PS3 release. You guys do know that there's a PC version on Steam as well, right?NeonNinja
Yep,and same for Sonic CD.
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#16 Spartan070
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Naughty Dog passing on VITA

Big deal? Was hoping for a Crash Bandicoot....

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#17 TheFallenDemon
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You know VITA is teh doomedz when not even Sony's biggest developers will support it.

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#18 Willy105
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I don't like how Sony puts their B developers on handhelds and A developers on consoles. Nintendo puts their A developers on all their systems; Mario 3D Land is from the same people that did Mario Galaxy 1 and 2. Meanwhile, Uncharted Golden Abyss is made by a different team than the console ones, and the difference in quality can be seen.
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#19 AmayaPapaya
Member since 2008 • 9029 Posts

I don't like how Sony puts their B developers on handhelds and A developers on consoles. Nintendo puts their A developers on all their systems; Mario 3D Land is from the same people that did Mario Galaxy 1 and 2. Meanwhile, Uncharted Golden Abyss is made by a different team than the console ones, and the difference in quality can be seen.Willy105

Yeah, if they want their handheld to succeed, they need their top devs to work on it too. Hopefully they get some great games in, despite this strategy.

To be fair though, Retro has never made a handheld game. I guess you can say they made a few tracks in Mario Kart, but that doesn't really mean anything.

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#20 deactivated-5e0e425ee91d8
Member since 2007 • 22399 Posts
[QUOTE="NeonNinja"]So I notice the Sonic Generations review lists it as Xbox 360 and PS3 release. You guys do know that there's a PC version on Steam as well, right?Arach666
Yep,and same for Sonic CD.

knew about generations, and forgot about it...did not know about CD...
Should I pick option 5?Blabadon
Dunno why you would.
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#21 minh800
Member since 2011 • 1166 Posts

I don't like how Sony puts their B developers on handhelds and A developers on consoles. Nintendo puts their A developers on all their systems; Mario 3D Land is from the same people that did Mario Galaxy 1 and 2. Meanwhile, Uncharted Golden Abyss is made by a different team than the console ones, and the difference in quality can be seen.Willy105

If the DS Zelda games were made by Nintendo's A team...


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#22 fabz_95
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Woop new issue.
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#23 DeadMan1290
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I'm sticking with the 3DS for now. The Vita needs to be reasonably priced for me. Handhelds to be over $249 is too much for me.

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#25 Willy105
Member since 2005 • 26211 Posts

[QUOTE="Willy105"]I don't like how Sony puts their B developers on handhelds and A developers on consoles. Nintendo puts their A developers on all their systems; Mario 3D Land is from the same people that did Mario Galaxy 1 and 2. Meanwhile, Uncharted Golden Abyss is made by a different team than the console ones, and the difference in quality can be seen.minh800

If the DS Zelda games were made by Nintendo's A team...


It was a different team from the other Zelda games (both Phantom Hourglass and Twilight Princess were under development at the same time), but it was the same studio (EAD 3).
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#26 minh800
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[QUOTE="Willy105"]I don't like how Sony puts their B developers on handhelds and A developers on consoles. Nintendo puts their A developers on all their systems; Mario 3D Land is from the same people that did Mario Galaxy 1 and 2. Meanwhile, Uncharted Golden Abyss is made by a different team than the console ones, and the difference in quality can be seen.Willy105

If the DS Zelda games were made by Nintendo's A team...


It was a different team from the other Zelda games (both Phantom Hourglass and Twilight Princess were under development at the same time), but it was the same studio (EAD 3).

I know as much. I'm just pointing out that Nintendo also puts... let's call them what they are, a C team, on their "big" handheld projects too.

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#27 deactivated-6040149309c71
Member since 2010 • 718 Posts

I don't like how Sony puts their B developers on handhelds and A developers on consoles. Nintendo puts their A developers on all their systems; Mario 3D Land is from the same people that did Mario Galaxy 1 and 2. Meanwhile, Uncharted Golden Abyss is made by a different team than the console ones, and the difference in quality can be seen.Willy105

I would consider sony bend one of their better studios, and it is probably their top handheld studio judging by the games they made on psp.

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#28 ultramega9
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I doubt the vita will die so soon.

Not if the psp could cruise along for 6 years, with failure after failure, and still be profitable enough to make 4 revisions and a next gen handheld.

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#29 Willy105
Member since 2005 • 26211 Posts

I doubt the vita will die so soon.

Not if the psp could cruise along for 6 years, with failure after failure, and still be profitable enough to make 4 revisions and a next gen handheld.

The PSP was the second best selling gaming system of the generation in Japan, it was the reason it could stay alive even though it bombed in various Western markets. The PSP was a huge success.
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#30 CajunShooter
Member since 2006 • 5276 Posts

Despite perceptions the PSP was actually reasonably successful in the PAL regions.


Japan 15 million as of End of 2009

US 17 million as of March 2010

Europe 12 million as of Mid 2008

The PSP has sold 71.4 million worldwide as of Sept 2011.

The PSP has sold probably 20 million or more units in all 3 regions to date.

All these numbers according to the PSP wiki.

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#31 no-scope-AK47
Member since 2012 • 3755 Posts
Was going to get the vita but sony is asking way too much for the memory sticks.
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#32 PillyChickle
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I doubt the vita will die so soon.

Not if the psp could cruise along for 6 years, with failure after failure, and still be profitable enough to make 4 revisions and a next gen handheld.


PSP had much more developer support. PSP launched in 2004, a time when everyone believed the PlayStation brand to be invincible.

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#33 DeadMan1290
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I doubt the vita will die so soon.

Not if the psp could cruise along for 6 years, with failure after failure, and still be profitable enough to make 4 revisions and a next gen handheld.


PSP had much more developer support. PSP launched in 2004, a time when everyone believed the PlayStation brand to be invincible.

When it practically was invincible. The PS2 was reigning champion. The PS Vits is the PS3 back in 2006/2007 it needs a few years to get started. People are being too hard on the Vita.

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#34 Willy105
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Brand new Battle Royale, SWM decides if the Vita is worth it.


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#35 PillyChickle
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I doubt the vita will die so soon.

Not if the psp could cruise along for 6 years, with failure after failure, and still be profitable enough to make 4 revisions and a next gen handheld.


PSP had much more developer support. PSP launched in 2004, a time when everyone believed the PlayStation brand to be invincible.

When it practically was invincible. The PS2 was reigning champion. The PS Vits is the PS3 back in 2006/2007 it needs a few years to get started. People are being too hard on the Vita.

Who's going to wait a few years? Certainly not developers. Sony will have to do something now.

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#36 DeadMan1290
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PSP had much more developer support. PSP launched in 2004, a time when everyone believed the PlayStation brand to be invincible.


When it practically was invincible. The PS2 was reigning champion. The PS Vits is the PS3 back in 2006/2007 it needs a few years to get started. People are being too hard on the Vita.

Who's going to wait a few years? Certainly not developers. Sony will have to do something now.

You really think that in about 6-7 months the PS Vita can pick up and be a top competitor in the handheld market? It's tough.

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#37 PillyChickle
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When it practically was invincible. The PS2 was reigning champion. The PS Vits is the PS3 back in 2006/2007 it needs a few years to get started. People are being too hard on the Vita.


Who's going to wait a few years? Certainly not developers. Sony will have to do something now.

You really think that in about 6-7 months the PS Vita can pick up and be a top competitor in the handheld market? It's tough.

Why not? Nintendo could.

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#38 DeadMan1290
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Why not? Nintendo could.


Mmmmm.... I think it's easier for Nintendo. However, Sony know's what they're doing I guess, we'll just have to wait and see. In the mean time I'll enjoy my old PSP and save up to buy a 3DS.

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#39 PillyChickle
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[QUOTE="PillyChickle"]Why not? Nintendo could.


Mmmmm.... I think it's easier for Nintendo. However, Sony know's what they're doing I guess, we'll just have to wait and see. In the mean time I'll enjoy my old PSP and save up to buy a 3DS.

Why is it easier? I'll tell you why. It's because Nintendo are just that much smarter and that much more capable. Unlike Sony, they realise that third party support won't just fall from the sky, they have to earn it by proving their platform is a safe haven for developers, and the only way they'll prove that is to get their platform to sell - this is where Nintendo's capability comes in, their first party franchises are in a different league compared to Sony's.

From recent interviews it seems that Sony think they know what they're doing. ;)

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#40 DeadMan1290
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Why is it easier? I'll tell you why. It's because Nintendo are just that much smarter and that much more capable. Unlike Sony, they realise that third party support won't just fall from the sky, they have to earn it by proving their platform is a safe haven for developers, and the only way they'll prove that is to get their platform to sell - this is where Nintendo's capability comes in, their first party franchises are in a different league compared to Sony's.

From recent interviews it seems that Sony think they know what they're doing. ;)


I agree. You win.

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#41 p4s2p0
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[QUOTE="DeadMan1290"]their first party franchises are in a different league compared to Sony's.

From recent interviews it seems that Sony think they know what they're doing. ;)

In sales I agree but otherwise no. I have just as much fun with sony titles as when I enjoyed N titles a decade ago.
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#42 Willy105
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[QUOTE="DeadMan1290"]their first party franchises are in a different league compared to Sony's.

From recent interviews it seems that Sony think they know what they're doing. ;)

In sales I agree but otherwise no. I have just as much fun with sony titles as when I enjoyed N titles a decade ago.

So Sony's games today are as fun as 10 year old games? High praise!
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#43 p4s2p0
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[QUOTE="DeadMan1290"]their first party franchises are in a different league compared to Sony's.

From recent interviews it seems that Sony think they know what they're doing. ;)

In sales I agree but otherwise no. I have just as much fun with sony titles as when I enjoyed N titles a decade ago.

So Sony's games today are as fun as 10 year old games? High praise!

I chose sony games, I must feel they are as fun if not more to chose them over N's. That was just the last time I was interested in an N game.
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#44 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
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Sony wins? SWM am cows confirmed.
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#45 Willy105
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[QUOTE="p4s2p0"][QUOTE="Willy105"][QUOTE="p4s2p0"] In sales I agree but otherwise no. I have just as much fun with sony titles as when I enjoyed N titles a decade ago.

So Sony's games today are as fun as 10 year old games? High praise!

I chose sony games, I must feel they are as fun if not more to chose them over N's. That was just the last time I was interested in an N game.

You've missed a lot these past 10 years, then.
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#46 deactivated-5e0e425ee91d8
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Sony wins? SWM am cows confirmed.Stevo_the_gamer
If cows only had the most points...last month we were sheep :/
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#47 Shadowchronicle
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Sony has the most interesting news. EDIT: By the way fabs about a month ago I said I would seriously join SWM. I was serious about that but I had an unexpected computer problem and I had to reinstall windows and delete every file I had. I just wanted to address this straight up so that you would know I'm still thinking about it and will probably do it when I'm done installing all my stuff back.
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#48 DeadMan1290
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Sony wins? SWM am cows confirmed.Stevo_the_gamer

Why? That has nothing to do with anything. Read the issue and see who's winnning. Everyone deserves some credit eventually.

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#49 Willy105
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[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]Sony wins? SWM am cows confirmed.DeadMan1290

Why? That has nothing to do with anything. Read the issue and see who's winnning. Everyone deserves some credit eventually.

That's Stevo_the_Gamer, he's a cool dude that helped revive SWM. He was just joking.
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#50 DeadMan1290
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[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]Sony wins? SWM am cows confirmed.Willy105

Why? That has nothing to do with anything. Read the issue and see who's winnning. Everyone deserves some credit eventually.

That's Stevo_the_Gamer, he's a cool dude that helped revive SWM. He was just joking.

Oh, sorry then. Didn't recognize him. Again, I apologize.