It feels great to be the best. PC gaming!
PC and Nintendo together probably besting gaming combination.
Yub, and that is what I think this thread is about.
With the Switch + PC combo you get not onIy access to the best game dev (Nintendo), but aIso the best hardware and best Iibrary (PC). But I find that the handheId nature of the switch aIso compIiment eachother quite weII. The Switch can be nice to turn on for a quick game whiIe waiting for my friends in an onIine Iobby.
That said, Nintendo has had a good year, and so far I have actuaIIy bought more switch games than PC games
@girlusocrazy:Eh, I think you are overstating the obstacles to PC in general. It's cost and preference, that's pretty much it.
@mrbojangles25: Ain't no way. Windows as an environment requires vigilance and 3rd party utilities to be tolerable, Linux is great better as a desktop but still doesn't run all games, so you have to pick one and both have their shortcomings.
What shortcomings? Literally never had an issue with Windows that stopped me from doing what I wanted to do. Been using it since 4.1.
And you just said another great thing about PC: OPTIONS! Yes you can install Linux. And Windows. Both at the same time, too. Dual-boot! Wooooot woooooot!
Truly, you can have it all on PC. 😀
It's not just games. There's a reason users don't touch a PC unless they have to, preferring phones, tablets, and Chromebooks. PC is better at doing a lot of things but there are diminishing returns when it comes to performance/quality. At some point, people prefer convenience.
I think that's more of a real-estate issue you are talking about. An issue of space.
PC's are, in some respects, furniture. They need a desk, a chair, a power strip. This takes up space. For people that don't want to deal with that, those things you listed are all great options.
For those of us that like PC, well, I like the furniture aspect. I like having a cool sleek case and a nice monitor and being able to sit in my comfy chair and use a proper keyboard. Mobile doesn't work for me, it doesn't fit my ergonomics and it doesn't fit my lifestyle; when I'm away from home, I'm away from most of my tech and that is a good thing to me.
Consoles strike a good balance of price/performance/convenience so they will be what people consider to be the best overall option for that reason.
Yes they do for some people.
But, as Ron Swanson said: never half-ass two things, always full-ass one thing.
Getting a console is half-assing it to me. To others it might be a happy compromise of price and performance and access and that's great, I'm happy for you.
But me? I want the best, and that means no console for me.
Ways that PC gaming has been improving is by adopting more mainstream and hassle free options, such as standardizing controllers, and more automated processes for game settings. The OS UI/UX is becoming more simplified, even to the point that it interferes with power user sensibilities. Users just prefer convenience and PCs are trying to adapt.
You're absolutely right, PC gaming has been improving while not sacrificing anything we have come to expect on the platform.
The best get's better!
Not sure what you're referring to concerning hassle-free options, I see just as many (sometimes more!) options now as I have in the past. It's pretty great because the auto-detect feature in the options tend to work quite well, then if you like you can tinker and tweak to your heart's content. Does console do that too? Or do you guys just have the "performance/quality" toggle?
Even with games, there are fewer PC ass PC games and more console games have been taking over on PC. PC gamers are cheering getting what are traditionally considered console games.
How can a console game take over PC when it's no longer a console game?
Anyway, exclusives suck. They're bad for consumers. Choice is what matters. Choice to play a game on PC or the console of your choice.
I welcome multiplatform titles and I do not wish to lay claim to any *forced* exclusivity. Every time a see a once-PC exclusive title go to consoles, I am happy.
Speaking of which, Grim Dawn is on Xbox now, I highly recommend it. Better than Diablo in many ways, great isometric action-RPG
Maybe one day PCs will get there but then you'll basically have a console.
Nah, you're gonna have to stream or play a mobile game. Consoles are fading. We already have disc-less consoles. Next up is console-less consoles; you're going to have to get a dongle to plug into your TV like an Amazon stick.
PC, on the other hand, is an open platform. We will have the best of both worlds; games we buy and install, games we stream, games we sub to. PC has it all.
And hey I see the negative side of this too. But that's why I realize that open configurable powerful PCs have their uses, but when it comes to relaxing and entertainment, that's where this vision of a PC becomes incompatible. The flexibility becomes a hindrance when it comes to guaranteeing a particular experience. Likewise, the simplification of the PC becomes a hindrance to a person who wants a powerful and flexible approach they can take advantage of to accomplish tasks.
How can flexibility be a hindrance? Provided you enjoy PC and are familiar, it's easy as hell.
You know what's hindrance? Using the Disney+ app on a console. Freaking thing hardly ever loads. Always signs me out. Always works on PC. That's just once simple example.
Another hindrance? Buying a physical copy of a game thinking you can play it only to find out you need to download a 50 GB "patch".
PC has pretty much worked flawlessly. Console and TV not so much.
Additionally Steam's family sharing doesn't work in a family setting, it's a solo option.
Meh, small issue.
I gotta admit PC gaming remains a thing for herms, still can't shake the name for a reason.
Yeah but with more and more titles going cross-play, there are fewer and fewer reasons to remain actual hermits.
Although people do kind of suck, so maybe being a lone gamer isn't so bad lol.
Also just my opinion but most multiplayer these days is garbage. Battle Royale and Destiny clones, blech.
Anyway, that was a fun debate. I appreciate your response and have nothing but respect.
Consoles are the budget option. That's ultimately what it comes down to. Budget and preference. And that's fine.
You're comparing a Toyota Camry to a Chevy Corvette and going "Yeah, but the cost!" and Corvette is like "Yes, and?" and then you go "Yeah, but it only seats two people!" and PC is like "OK, what of it?" and then you're like "Oh doesn't come in this color"
They just shouldn't be compared.
You know the Chevy cost more, but it still gets you to work. The Camry gets you to work too, but it's not as fun to drive. Both serve the same function and both do it well, but the Chevy is just soooooooooooo much better.
*hahaha god damn, long rant 😂🤣
Basically the console gamers in this thread:
"PC gaming is dying/irrelevant even though more and more games never thought to be anywhere else but exclusively on their console are making it over to PC, the number of PC gamers and PC gaming revenue increases year over year and big publishers and developers say their PC market share is catch up to or getting bigger than their console counterparts combined. It's dying/irrelevant cause you gotta update your drivers every once in a while and that is enough of a turn off to repel most people trust me bro!"
@zaryia: so many butt hurt pc fanboys nowadays put there. I remember the days you pc fannies got slapped around, made fun of and called nerds. Things need to go back to those days.
You literally bought a 3080 now you're upgrading to a 4080. This is truly an expensive hobby. Also your nonsense about capitalism is bs. PC gaming used to be more affordable back in the days and had great value. It made sense to game on PC, you saved a ton of money, you got a lot of performance. But nowadays, pc gaming is crap. You spend $250 for the shittiest gpu when you could just buy an xbox and grab gamepass for the same price. Back in the day i bought the flaship radeon 7950 for $250 and it came with 5 games.
PC gaming might have more games, but gamepass gives you more games than you will ever be able to play. Nobody cares about 2 to 3x fps. The human eye can't tell past a certain resolution or fps anyway.
Just because you didn't experience bsod or crash doesn't mean others haven't. My radeon 580 was a stuttering mess when I tried to run doom eternal, or even subnautica bz.
@zaryia: so many butt hurt pc fanboys nowadays put there. I remember the days you pc fannies got slapped around, made fun of and called nerds. Things need to go back to those days.
If you slap me and called me a nerd, expect to get slapped back. Also being called a nerd in 2022? boohoo
@zaryia said:PC easily wins System Wars, and it's sadly one of the reason this forum has gotten boring.
This. First time I've logged into this forum for 12 years and I can finally see the war is over. I joined this forum just before the 360 came out and let me tell you, times were dire for PC then. If that wasn't enough to kill the PC then nothing will, especially not when Sony, Microsoft and Japanese devs are supporting the platform with games, nevermind nearly all Twitch streamers play PC versions of popular games. If you had told me this was going to happen back in those days I would have laughed in your face.
You guys should go look at my post history from those early days, I was a massive Playstation fan following the PS2/PSP and then a big 360 fan, I was shitting on PC for years. Now I have the maturity to see PC has won in the end. Luckily I have money now and can buy whatever I like, so platform wars haven't interested me in years, but anyone with even a passing interest in the current market can see how viable PC has become over the years.
@zaryia said:PC easily wins System Wars, and it's sadly one of the reason this forum has gotten boring.
This. First time I've logged into this forum for 12 years and I can finally see the war is over. I joined this forum just before the 360 came out and let me tell you, times were dire for PC then. If that wasn't enough to kill the PC then nothing will, especially not when Sony, Microsoft and Japanese devs are supporting the platform with games, nevermind nearly all Twitch streamers play PC versions of popular games. If you had told me this was going to happen back in those days I would have laughed in your face.
You guys should go look at my post history from those early days, I was a massive Playstation fan following the PS2/PSP and then a big 360 fan, I was shitting on PC for years. Now I have the maturity to see PC has won in the end. Luckily I have money now and can buy whatever I like, so platform wars haven't interested me in years, but anyone with even a passing interest in the current market can see how viable PC has become over the years.
Yup PC gaming made a huge comeback in support and popularity. A year or two after the start of the PS3/X360 generation we started seeing several big name PC exclusives and PC centric developers not only put their games on consoles but make once PC centric games and PC focused game designs become heavily console focused with PC as an afterthought. Some even abandoned PC gaming altogether for consoles such as Epic Games. Companies such as Ubisoft made terrible PC ports with intrusive DRM that only screwed over customers and even flat out said they wouldn't bring some games to PC because the platform is full of nothing but pirates. Several developers blamed PC piracy for why their games failed even when the games were multiplat and console focused.
PC centric developers like Crytek, Epic Games and ID Software were saying that PC gaming is rampant with piracy and the games that make money on PC are casual browser games and World Of Warcraft. They said if they wanted to make a big budget game they'd have to prioritize consoles. Microsoft snatched up PC centric studios to focus on making Xbox exclusives (Bungie, Lionhead, Epic Games, Remedy, Ensemble). PC hardly got any Japanese games outside of the most popular/mainstream ones such as Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy and Resident Evil and if it did it was most likely an atrocious port.
There was that supposed PC Gaming Alliance that was suppose to "save" PC gaming but they basically did nothing. The closest PC had to have something similar to a console manufacturer funding exclusive games was Intel funding the game Project Offset to promote their Larabee chips. The game ended up getting canceled which crushed hope and made things look even more dire for PC. It didn't help that some of the companies in the PC gaming alliance where against the platform or hurting it (Epic Games saying the platform is full of pirates and Microsoft providing that awful Games For Windows Live service and putting barely any of their Xbox exclusive games on PC).
Now here we are over a decade later with Epic Games actually putting in some effort to try and be a big name in PC gaming again (although many PC gamers don't like how they're doing it). They're throwing hundreds of millions of dollars on free games and exclusivity deals to get PC gamers to use their platform because Valve has proven with Steam that PC can be just as profitable if not more profitable than consoles. No way in hell would Epic Games be doing this back in the late 2000s. Microsoft has gotten better at supporting PC with day one simultaneous game launches with their consoles and putting their games on Steam instead of trying to force people into their platform. PC has become Ubisoft's most profitable platform and the company actual puts some effort into making decent PC ports without intrusive DRM.
Console centric companies like Take Two state that 40-50% of their sales come from PC now compared to just 1-2% a decade ago. Capcom says they're 50:50 and want to make PC their lead platform by 2023. PC gets a ton of Japanese games from the most popular to the most obscure and arguably even more than any individual console because of all the Japanese indie games and Japanese games in general only being on one console but also on PC.
With Steam becoming available in China back in 2015 introducing the biggest untapped PC gaming market to premium games on a convenient platform, PC game sales have had nothing but growth and now Chinese developers are developing big budget games that push PC hardware. The rest of Asia is follow suit in growing their premium PC game sales and production.
And now we got Sony putting their big name games on PC. Two out of the big three console manufacturers are putting their exclusives on PC which puts it at a huge advantage over the console's individual libraries.
PC gaming is the underdog champ!
Wait till you realize he hypes Intel GPUs.
@hardwenzen: dsl is easier to type out than dlss or whatever. It's the short form version. Plus how much nvidia scams with this nonsense tech, it deserves to be called dsl.
Probably never even used DLSS. I have, extensively. Imagine playing a game at Native 4K and struggling to get past 30-40fps. Turn on DLSS, picture quality looks pretty much exactly the same, but the frame rate is now in the 70's! How's that a scam??
The idea that 'DSL' is somehow easier to type than DLSS is utter bollox. 😂
@hardwenzen: dsl is easier to type out than dlss or whatever. It's the short form version. Plus how much nvidia scams with this nonsense tech, it deserves to be called dsl.
Probably never even used DLSS. I have, extensively. Imagine playing a game at Native 4K and struggling to get past 30-40fps. Turn on DLSS, picture quality looks pretty much exactly the same, but the frame rate is now in the 70's! How's that a scam??
The idea that 'DSL' is somehow easier to type than DLSS is utter bollox. 😂
why should people call out the full thing, its not even easy to remember, and sounds even dumber in real life when you try to say it. "DLSS" doesn't roll off the tongue. Personally, I think DSL sounds way better. Its a scam because they're convincing people 1080p is 4k, and somehow getting 70fps in 1080p upscaled to 4k is the same as getting 70fps in native 4k.
I have a geforce 3050 and use dsl. Its a scam tech for all the hype theyre giving it. Heck, AMD has fsr, and fsr2.0, which is on par if not better than dsl, yet you don't hear all the nonsense hype from the red team about it.
@hardwenzen: dsl is easier to type out than dlss or whatever. It's the short form version. Plus how much nvidia scams with this nonsense tech, it deserves to be called dsl.
Probably never even used DLSS. I have, extensively. Imagine playing a game at Native 4K and struggling to get past 30-40fps. Turn on DLSS, picture quality looks pretty much exactly the same, but the frame rate is now in the 70's! How's that a scam??
The idea that 'DSL' is somehow easier to type than DLSS is utter bollox. 😂
why should people call out the full thing, its not even easy to remember, and sounds even dumber in real life when you try to say it. "DLSS" doesn't roll off the tongue. Personally, I think DSL sounds way better. Its a scam because they're convincing people 1080p is 4k, and somehow getting 70fps in 1080p upscaled to 4k is the same as getting 70fps in native 4k.
I have a geforce 3050 and use dsl. Its a scam tech for all the hype theyre giving it. Heck, AMD has fsr, and fsr2.0, which is on par if not better than dsl, yet you don't hear all the nonsense hype from the red team about it.
Enough with the scam bullshit. If DLSS wasn't a good and useful feature, AMD wouldn't have scrambled to make FSR as quickly as possible. DLSS is generally better for Nvidia users, but I like that AMD made FSR as well.
Imagine talking shit about Nvidia and then buying a shit tier RTX 3050...
@hardwenzen: dsl is easier to type out than dlss or whatever. It's the short form version. Plus how much nvidia scams with this nonsense tech, it deserves to be called dsl.
Probably never even used DLSS. I have, extensively. Imagine playing a game at Native 4K and struggling to get past 30-40fps. Turn on DLSS, picture quality looks pretty much exactly the same, but the frame rate is now in the 70's! How's that a scam??
The idea that 'DSL' is somehow easier to type than DLSS is utter bollox. 😂
why should people call out the full thing, its not even easy to remember, and sounds even dumber in real life when you try to say it. "DLSS" doesn't roll off the tongue. Personally, I think DSL sounds way better. Its a scam because they're convincing people 1080p is 4k, and somehow getting 70fps in 1080p upscaled to 4k is the same as getting 70fps in native 4k.
I have a geforce 3050 and use dsl. Its a scam tech for all the hype theyre giving it. Heck, AMD has fsr, and fsr2.0, which is on par if not better than dsl, yet you don't hear all the nonsense hype from the red team about it.
WHAT THE **** DID I JUST READ???????????????
@hardwenzen: dsl is easier to type out than dlss or whatever. It's the short form version. Plus how much nvidia scams with this nonsense tech, it deserves to be called dsl.
Probably never even used DLSS. I have, extensively. Imagine playing a game at Native 4K and struggling to get past 30-40fps. Turn on DLSS, picture quality looks pretty much exactly the same, but the frame rate is now in the 70's! How's that a scam??
The idea that 'DSL' is somehow easier to type than DLSS is utter bollox. 😂
why should people call out the full thing, its not even easy to remember, and sounds even dumber in real life when you try to say it. "DLSS" doesn't roll off the tongue. Personally, I think DSL sounds way better. Its a scam because they're convincing people 1080p is 4k, and somehow getting 70fps in 1080p upscaled to 4k is the same as getting 70fps in native 4k.
I have a geforce 3050 and use dsl. Its a scam tech for all the hype theyre giving it. Heck, AMD has fsr, and fsr2.0, which is on par if not better than dsl, yet you don't hear all the nonsense hype from the red team about it.
@hardwenzen: dsl is easier to type out than dlss or whatever. It's the short form version. Plus how much nvidia scams with this nonsense tech, it deserves to be called dsl.
Probably never even used DLSS. I have, extensively. Imagine playing a game at Native 4K and struggling to get past 30-40fps. Turn on DLSS, picture quality looks pretty much exactly the same, but the frame rate is now in the 70's! How's that a scam??
The idea that 'DSL' is somehow easier to type than DLSS is utter bollox. 😂
why should people call out the full thing, its not even easy to remember, and sounds even dumber in real life when you try to say it. "DLSS" doesn't roll off the tongue. Personally, I think DSL sounds way better. Its a scam because they're convincing people 1080p is 4k, and somehow getting 70fps in 1080p upscaled to 4k is the same as getting 70fps in native 4k.
I have a geforce 3050 and use dsl. Its a scam tech for all the hype theyre giving it. Heck, AMD has fsr, and fsr2.0, which is on par if not better than dsl, yet you don't hear all the nonsense hype from the red team about it.
Enough with the scam bullshit. If DLSS wasn't a good and useful feature, AMD wouldn't have scrambled to make FSR as quickly as possible. DLSS is generally better for Nvidia users, but I like that AMD made FSR as well.
Imagine talking shit about Nvidia and then buying a shit tier RTX 3050...
lol...i've said this so many times before, I don't care which video card it is, I always pick the best VALUE card. I don't care about nonsense like dsl, or ray tracing, or physx, or gsync or whatever garbage bin scam tech nvidia comes up with next. Give me frames, give me watts and give me dollars.
At the time I purchased the 3050, it was the best bang for buck, got it for $230 plus taxes. AMD later decided to drop the price of their 6600 cards, and if I were buying now, i'd probably get one of those instead. Whatever, the 3050 is a great card.
Im not a butt hurt pc gamer waiting 5 days at best buy camped out in a tent and spending $2k to $3k on video cards lol.
Whatever, the 3050 is a great card.
Lol. Great card is cutting it fine. It's at best, 'serviceable'. Even then we're talking 1080P at medium settings for the latest games. Actual RT on a 3050 is a waste, it's just not good enough. It's the fact that the 3050 has DLSS that makes the the RTX3050 considerably better than the 1050Ti or the 1060 for the budget card that it is.
Next you'll be telling us that even when you have the option to use DLSS, you don't even turn it on. Well, it's a scam, right?
@BassMan: sure you did. If I spent $3k on a gpu, I'd lie about it too. I'd tell everyone I got it for msrp rather than embarrassed myself.
@Bond007uk: Its a solid card for non hard-core casual pc gamers. Imagine spending $3k on a video card? That's not normal. If I needed it for work, and it made me a lot of money, I'd definitely grab it. But just for video gaming, these people should be ashamed of themselves. You should donate money to a charity instead.
The 3050 has good enough features, runs 1080p fine and does what's needed. It's a great card. And yes I do use dsl if it's there, so what? I also use ray tracing, and other features.
@Bond007uk: Its a solid card for non hard-core casual pc gamers. Imagine spending $3k on a video card? That's not normal. If I needed it for work, and it made me a lot of money, I'd definitely grab it. But just for video gaming, these people should be ashamed of themselves. You should donate money to a charity instead.
The 3050 has good enough features, runs 1080p fine and does what's needed. It's a great card. And yes I do use dsl if it's there, so what? I also use ray tracing, and other features.
I spent about £570 ($680 give or take) on my RTX3070. Still not the standard price, but not £2500 ($3000). Like most people, I waited for the prices to go down. I then sold my RTX 2080 and got about £210 for it.
You say DLSS is a scam, but yet you use it anyway. Stop trolling.
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