@xantufrog said:
@WitIsWisdom: lol, that's like hundreds of hours of games. Why didn't you wait?
Sometimes when I see a game I want I have the tendency to go ahead and get it with the intention of playing it at my first opportunity, or thinking that in my adulation of the moment that there is always time without actually having a plan. The problem is opportunities aren't as prevalent when you have 3,500 other games you have been saying the same thing about... Much ado about a rainy day though right?.. lol
Waiting makes a lot of sense, but the problem is.. I do that with other games too and then buy a handful when they go on sale which also adds to the problem of playing the games I get when they release.. I have sealed games dating back to Atari that stretch through to the present day (I think I have like 20 or so sealed PS4 games). I tend not to worry about it, because the way I see it one of two things will happen eventually, I will play them one day or when all is said and done my wife and/or kids will get a pretty cool bonus inheritance that they can either sell of keep.
I guess these are good problems to have though.. 1st world problems and all.
My wife doesn't mind I play and collect games, and she knows it keeps me away from old habits. I quit drinking (except for a beer or margarita now and then at a restaurant) and smoking, plus it's a lot cheaper than most forms of entertainment broken down over time.
I guess I live in the moment more than I should, but it sure as hell beats contemplating the past or attempting to change the future. I take things a day at a time for the most part these days. I do save money and we are doing well on that aspect, but life has been a lot more simple for me since I started living for the moment instead of worrying about things out of my hands. Probably the best piece of advice I ever received to help me with my PTSD and anxiety was to start a hobby. Perhaps I have taken it a bit extreme at times, but it has gotten me through some dark times.
Sorry if I went into too much detail.. I tend to do that as well, I love to write, so when people bring up the fact I write too much I can't help but laugh it off. I'm retired from the USMC and other than my family games and writing are a couple of my biggest hobbies, so it's a win/win situation.. lol Glass half full you know? heh
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