Ok both sides of the ps3/360 war have thier pious fanboys touting and screaming at eachother that their system is better. What I'd like to know is: Why are the 360 fanboys much angrier than the PS3 fanboys? Thumbing through these forums for a while now its usually the 360 fanboys who put down, mock, insult, flame, whatever more, alot of times with no substantial backing as to what necessitates these anger powered rants.
Sure its a known fact that the XBL player has been seasoned for more than a few years in the art of smack talk, but a nerve is definately hit when the issue of the PS3 comes up. My theory evolves from the notion that anger is a symptom of one feeling threatened.
Its been well established by many that the future balance between the 360 and the PS3 will be a role reversal of how thier older counterparts fared last gen. The XBOX was technically better but took a few years to really shine through with this. But even with the XBOX having some higher quality shiny games it still lost to the PS2's large install base and shear number and variety of decent games.
As a PS3 owner I know this is probably going to be the future of this system that it'll never "beat " the 360. I've accepted it and don't care. Last gen I bought an XBOX instead of a PS2 and didn't care the PS2 was the popular platform. I was just extremely happy that the games I did have with the XBOX were super awesome top notch games.
So now if it is becoming established that the PS3 will finally have its heyday like how the XBOX did back in the day this brings me back to my theory. 360 fanboys are just as aware of this trend to happen with the PS3 and are afraid it'll encroach into their 360 only happy universe. They are threatened and become the angry fanboys they are. Still why should they be angry if it seems accepted that they'll stay on top regardless of how well the ps3 will do?
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