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#1 Willy105
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Letter from the Editor - Willy105

Hello System Wars!

We (well, I) have a surprise for you! It's the first episode of SYSTEM WARS: MOD SQUAD! It's an adventure game that plays like an RPG without the RPG elements! If you played SYSTEM WARS: THE GAME and liked it's RPG elements, too bad. This one doesn't have it! Anywho, these episodes are bite-sized, about 6 minutes long, so that you can play without being worn out by time. This will replace the System Wars: The Comic, because a single comic is harder to do than a game (what?).

But enough about the game, this issue is packed! ActicEdge has blessed us with a great review of SECRET OF MANA, Darkspineslayer has returned to us after a couple of months of being dead, Brianfox1 ventures into the first episode of SYSTEM WARS: MOD SQUAD all by himself and reviews it (with no support from me, may I add), and he also gives us some more of his shopping lists which you should pay attention to (he still thinks he is better than us, but will not admit it), and K_Smoove, a proud sheep, crosses the line and plays LEFT 4 DEAD!

So sit down, relax, and enjoy the latest issue of your favorite magazine...SYSTEM WARS MONTHLY!!!!

Weather Report - Tsug_Ze_Wind

Hello SW! I'm Tsug_Ze_Wind, and I'm back from no-internet hell just in time to be your weathersheep this month.

We're just emerging from the complete void that is post-E3 SW, and there are actually things to argue about! Imagine that! Here's what we were all bickering about this month.


The PS3 Slim was the biggest news this month. Two years ago, this would have been huge and a major weapon for the cows, now it's just filling the role of obigatory mid-gen console redesign. It may not affect the sales war, but it's some good news that'll push plenty of people off the fence about buying a PS3. (In the good way.)

It all started (or just continued) when Wii Sports Resort got an AA from GS (and who called it? Oh that's right, I did) and the "lower standards" argument reared its ugly head yet again. And yet again, the hermits were laughing. ROFL-ing, even. It seems the sheep can't catch a break when it comes to cows and lemmings stealing arguments from the PC crowd.

Is there a more hardcore crowd than racing nerds? The eternal debate between GT5 and Forza rages on, and this isn't just another cows vs. lemmings war. Absolutely every possible detail has been compared by now, and probably many times. I'd get sick following these arguments, but I'm guessing the final verdict will be that GT5 looks more realistic, but Forza is a more realistic bet to come out sometime this century.


And now for the forecast:

Fall never can come too soon for a topic-starved SW, but don't expect too much to happen until we near the end of the year. With E3 setting up a crazy 2010 showdown, it seems '09 is already old news. Still, there are definitely some big games to keep an eye on, and some entertainment to be found this holiday season.


Until next time, Scribblenauts. Believe it.


Metal Gear Solid 4 Review - Darkspineslayer

Let's get this in the open right now, not too long ago I was a hardcore sheep. Halo was Satan and I had no idea what the hell a kratos was. When the Wii began to fail me after Super Smash Bros Brawl, I got a 360. The world was opened up to me. Now a few years later, I bit the bullet and picked up a Playstation 3, my first Playstation home console. One of the first games that I play on my shiny new Playstation turned out to be an epic experience that every gamer should try, even if they haven't played the first 3.

In an alternate reality setting, the whole world is now fueled by the war economy. The more fighting the more profit. But war has become organized. Every solider is equipped with ID tagged gear, and nanomachines offer "the system" full supervision and control over every soldier. Now Liquid Osolet, Solid snake's twin is attempting to break into the system and unleash a resurrection on the world. Even if you haven't been playing the series since the beginning, you will find the story easy enough to understand after the first hour, the brilliantly writing of Hideo Kojima shines through and gives the game an almost movie like experience. The cutsenes will at times drag on, and you don't want to skip any possible major revelations' so that can get kind of annoying. But putting up with the lengthy cutsenes is well worth the trouble.

Game play is smooth and fulfilling, the controls are simply but they get the job done. snake will always move exactly how you want him to, weather that is sneaking behind an enemy with your knife, or going into the battle guns blazing you will rarely have any control screw ups. Music always matches the scenario perfectly, weather your tailing a member of a European resistance to their boss without being noticed, or in an intense firefight with a buxom beauty bottling up a horrible past the music will never seem out of place unless you want it to using the in game IPod.

The visuals are astounding, and simply the best graphics on the most powerful console this side of the PC. Animations are flawless even when the action heats up and the game never stutters once.

All in all, what can I say? Metal Gear Solid 4 is an epic that nobody who calls themselves a gamer should miss out on, go pick up a PS3 and a copy of Metal Gear Solid 4, you'll be glad you did


System Wars: Mod Squad Episode 1 - Willy105

ActicEdges Old School Reviews: Secret of Mana - ActicEdge

Secret of Mana is a peculiar game especially in this day and age because all things considered, it has some really visible flaws. Its exceptionally repetitive, features a cliché story and has basic but yet sometimes harsh gameplay. All things considered, the sum of its parts really isn't anything fascinating yet somehow it all comes together to produce an experience that is fulfilling, rewarding and addicting. It's not the deepest game you'll ever play or the best written but its damn fun and for that reason alone, Secret of Mana is absolutely worth a look if you haven't played it.

The first thing to be said about Secret of Mana is that its an RPG, as such you'll have the usual suspects like leveling up, collecting new weapons and upgrades, magic, HP, MP and all that other good stuff. The other thing worth noting is that everything is real time meaning no turn based battles or random transportations to a separate battle field. The combat is fluid and takes place as you transverse the landscape of the world. You control 3 characters who are all obtained fairly early in the adventure and they all mostly control the same with small variants. You get your standard warrior who'll be your strongest physical attacker, your support magic character for healing and status and your offensive spell caster for magic attacks.

Now that all that is out of the way to the plot. Well in short its rather basic. The long answer is that this game had an obviously botched translation because there are some logical errors and sometimes emotion is not displayed like it should. (That could just be squares often terrible writing however). Basically, without spoiling anything, you start as a boy who is with his friends playing where they shouldn't be and he takes a tumble and falls. He then sees a sword, pulls it and the adventure begins. He is eventually banished from his village and some other stuff happens that I won't get into besides the fact that he pulled a legendary sword (the mana sword). He needs to restore it to its former glory to beat down the bad guys. It's a basic story but it is compelling and exciting enough to draw you in long enough to continue playing. The supporting cast is likable as well.

Secret of mana has a rather good soundtrack to its benefit as well. The tunes are catchy whether it's the cheery music that accompanies when you run through the games various forests or the absolutely epic and daunting music that will face you when some of the games more important dungeons are discovered. The tunes in the game will most definitely add to the mood and atmosphere when it is needed. There is some miss though where some tracks don't quite fit location like a certain tune that happens to play in the games longest and possibly most frustrating dungeon. This leads me into the next point, Secret of mana's gameplay and pacing can kick your ass if you're not prepared for it.

The game has massive difficulty spikes that aren't balanced well. Its not something that people will be very tolerant of for long initially. There are simply parts of the game with absurd difficulty that requires you upgrade your equipment. The problem is that sometimes you simply don't have the money to buy better equipment and the only other way to get it is through rare drops. There are points in the game where enemies can kill you with a single hit if you don't upgrade. If you do however you may take literally no damage. It makes fighting certain enemies uninteresting.

The combat itself is simple and satisfying however. You have a bar that charges up to 100%. When the bar is full your attacks will do maximum damage. If you attack before the bar is at maximum capacity you will do very low amounts of damage. As such it discourages button mashing as it will yield long and ineffective battles. Magic is brought up through a ring menu and you will collect more spirits to aid you in your quest. Magic is quite a ways more effective than physical attacks but regaining the MP which is used to cast magic can be a pain so it evens out. Most enemies have a specific weakness to a specific magic. Overall the combat is fast and furious though a few hit detection and framerate issues do occasionally get in the way. Controlling the other characters is extremely simple as there actions can be mapped though the options ring and you can set them to have certain patterns of movement through a 16 square grid. Away at one side, close at the opposite, attack perpendicular and defend opposite to it. Thus there actions are easy to map and use and well they occasionally get (stuck) in certain spots, they are not too much of a bother.

I think it's appropriate to talk of Secret of Mana's most prominent feature last. The whole adventure can be played in drop out 3 player co op. It's an absolute blast to play because it forces team work in an extremely satisfying way. Each person (up to 3) controls one of the characters and the game plays the same as single player except now you only have control over your own character. It's fascinating to see how an effective single player person can become a bumbling mess in multiplayer. Now that your survival lies within other peoples hands you must all learn to trust each others abilities and realize signs of potential danger, fail to do this and the failure will be swift and vicious. If you however learn the ropes you'll get an exceptionally fulfilling experience and form an incredibly strong team which enhancing the experience to the end.

Secret of Mana is a game with some real flaws that shouldn't be ignored. However its charm and addictive nature will keep you coming back for more and more and while its an unpolished gem, it still shines through brilliantly if you just hold it in the right light.


Systems Wars: The Mod Squad Review - Brianfox1

As some of you already know System Wars Mod Squad is here made my one of our fellow GS members Willy105. K_smoove previewed this game last month and now I'm here with the review. All rights of this game go to Willy105 this game is not to be sold. So lets get started with the review shall we?

Gameplay: The game starts out as you a Manticore patrolling the System Wars board. You wield the mighty GS ban hammer so all the users fate rests in your hand. At first you will approach to groups of users one is cows and the other lemming I believe that what they are you have to ban one group to pass. Eventually you will meet up with a fellow mod a cow who I found to be the bets character in the game. You will do some other stuff after that. I won't spoil the surprises for you.

Graphics: One word describes the graphics NES when I first saw this game that is the first thing that game to my mind. For those of you that will go ban crazy it easy for you to pick out a mod from fellow GS members mods wear shades other users don't. The users are a little hard to tell what animals they are (except for the cows) it took me a second to figure out what you character is (a manticore). The users are like real GS users you would expect they don't stand alone they are in little pack which I thin k means boards they will face users for a second then walk away.

Controls: A huge pit fall for this game Willy didn't explain using the controls in the game at beginning so at first it is a tedious task pressing every button to figure out what does what. But after you figure out what does what it is easy to play. Our hero in the game (a manticore I have no idea what his name is) he tends to walk VERY slow. So the game uses the shift button which makes him walk faster than he does believe me you can tell when he using it. You do have a pause menu that you can use to equip items, save your game, and check your game status.

Overall score: I'll give this game a ...


SW Monthly Writer's Choice

It is very fun it's not to long and most important of all in this economy IT'S FREE. So I would say you should download it.

Magiciandude's Comic - Magiciandude

It's a topic that's popped up more than once here on System Wars. Which videogame hero is the greatest of all time? Mario? Kratos? Master Chief? The all powerful Bo Jackson?!? Well System Wars, here's your chance to help decide the greatest of the great; the one gaming giant to rule them all.

Painfully chosen by your fellow Gamespotters, these 64 combatants will do battle for the ultimate top spot. "But what can I do?" you may be asking yourself. Well my friend, it's simple. Build yourself a bracket here, pick your favorites, and root them on as they make their way towards the finals. And it's not just you making brackets and whatnot (how lame would that be?); your fellow GS users, as well as GS staffers, are competing against you for fantasic prizes and perhaps the greatest prize of all... bragging rights. How can SW turn down such a thing? And after you're done filling out your fancy bracket, you can continue the hero vs. hero discussion over at the Greatest Game Hero forum. Happy voting, and long live (insert favorite game hero here)!

Got questions? Go here.

Big BIG News - Brianfox1

Hello all the people of System Wars I'm your here to tell you about some special news.

Remember a few years ago we had an Iron Shop contest Willy and AdobeArtist battled it out?

Well guess what! Willy105 and and the rest of the SW Writers including myself have been working to bring it back! The artists are Legend of Nerd, Willy105, K_smoove, and last but not least AdobeArtist!

We have three judges ActicEdge, (empty spot), and myself Brianfox1! They will all be battling it out for the best title of best artist.

Tune in to the next issue of SW Monthly to see who will become the best artist! Willy where is my paycheck?!

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#2 Willy105
Member since 2005 • 26211 Posts

A Neutral Sheep's Experience with Left 4 Dead - K_Smoove

During the first week of August, I spent a few days with my cousins out in Colorado. I spent most of my time doing various outdoorsy things, as is the norm with the people up there, but I did spend one evening with my cousin playing Left 4 Dead on a console (which will remain anonymous so that I remain neutral- except with hermits).

We played through the level known as "Dead Air," which would turn out to be my first experience with thumbstick-aiming in a first-person shooter. Needless to say, it felt archaic to me, but I'll give more on that later. For this level, I played as Louis, because I was hoping he would be faster than everyone else (this has more to do with his build than his race). To my disappointment, all four characters played exactly the same (or at least that's what my cousin tells me; I only tested Louis).

Something that surprised me was the length of the levels; the two of us spent almost two hours on Dead Air alone. The partner AI was also surprisingly helpful, healing us when we needed (I definitely needed it more than a few times) and generally surviving well enough up to the final act. On that note, the final act of Dead Air was very intense, and it took us several tries to beat (I was usually the last to die, surprisingly). This intensity was quite unlike anything I normally play, and I would say I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Perhaps the best part about Left 4 Dead is its presentation. It really felt like I was playing an interactive movie, with chilling music and unsettling sound effects. In fact, I would say that this game is almost too easy to translate into a feature-length film. It would probably be pretty decent, too. Anyway, in the grand tradition of zombie films, L4D's cast was rather undeveloped, yet I still cared when they died, if only for the health packs that they took with them.

Now, onto the part that will make many readers angry: thumbstick aiming! The main reason I never really got into shooters was the control scheme. On consoles, I found the control stick annoying to aim while trying to move and use the face buttons. On PCs, I disliked moving around a 3D space with an awkward d-pad of sorts. The Wii technically fixed these problems for me, but I still never got into the genre, for personal taste or something. In no way am I criticizing L4D for using thumbstick aiming, seeing how there is no other option, but it did hamper my experience just a bit.

After about 20 minutes, I had adapted to the awkward aiming and I was ready to kill some zombies. And I did. And it was fun.

Final thoughts (in list form!)

Would I play this again? Absolutely. Dead Air was a blast, and I'm sure the other episodes are just as thrilling. Also, four-player co-op would probably enhance the experience even further.

Would I buy this for full price? Maybe; it depends on the longevity of the online multiplayer.

Rating out of ten? I'm not going to give one. This article is meant to express my impressions from one level of the game, not the game as a whole. How would I rate my experience with the game? Fun/10

If this is popular enough, I might continue doing it with other games. But I don't get a ton of chances to play on other consoles.

Brainfox1's Shopping List - Brianfox1

Here's this months list of games that you have to pick up. I don't have all these game they're based on how popular they are and how fun they are.

Nintendo Wii

Mario Kart Wii

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Nintendo Gamecube

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

The Legend of Zelda: Orcarina of Time

Nintendo DS

The World End With You 01010011

New Super Mario Bros.

Playstation 3


Fallout 3

Playstation 2

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty


Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories

Xbox 360

Metal Gear Solid: Rising (Coming Soon)

Saints Row 2


The Orange Box

Systems Wars: The Game

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#3 Giancar
Member since 2006 • 19160 Posts
Awesome, I haven't read it all of it...but I wanted to congratulate the people who make this first Because I know it will be great 8)
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#4 deactivated-5e836a855beb2
Member since 2005 • 95573 Posts
Left 4 Dead is freaking awesomesauce.
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#5 SaintBlaze
Member since 2007 • 7736 Posts

Great issue.

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#6 deactivated-63f6895020e66
Member since 2004 • 21177 Posts

HAHAHA Awesome edition as always guys.

Woot Woot IronShop is back! Master AdobeArtist FTW!

Congrats Actic for joining the staff.

Keep the good work fellas.

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#7 sikanderahmed
Member since 2007 • 5444 Posts

cool thread bro

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#8 jg4xchamp
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my money is on Adobe Artist :P
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#9 ActicEdge
Member since 2008 • 24492 Posts

Niec, nice, its up lol. Long issue.

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#10 BoloTheGreat
Member since 2008 • 3483 Posts
Dam it i really need to get my butt in gear and get round to doing something for this thing. Great issue BTW, really enjoyed it.
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#12 deactivated-5e836a855beb2
Member since 2005 • 95573 Posts

Wow, really? We puteffort on this issue and the thanks we get is 8 posts (as of this message)? Show some dignity folks, we do this voluntarily so it's not like we're obligated to do this every month.

It's mid-afternoon on the east coast, which means it's about lunchtime on the west coast. You'd get better exposure during the after school hours. :P
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#13 magiciandude
Member since 2004 • 9667 Posts
Dam it i really need to get my butt in gear and get round to doing something for this thing. Great issue BTW, really enjoyed it. BoloTheGreat
You can still post an article of your idea that you sent to me.
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#14 magiciandude
Member since 2004 • 9667 Posts


Wow, really? We puteffort on this issue and the thanks we get is 8 posts (as of this message)? Show some dignity folks, we do this voluntarily so it's not like we're obligated to do this every month.


It's mid-afternoon on the east coast, which means it's about lunchtime on the west coast. You'd get better exposure during the after school hours. :P

I know, that's why I deleted my message. I just came home from school. :wink:

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#15 ActicEdge
Member since 2008 • 24492 Posts


Wow, really? We puteffort on this issue and the thanks we get is 8 posts (as of this message)? Show some dignity folks, we do this voluntarily so it's not like we're obligated to do this every month.


It's mid-afternoon on the east coast, which means it's about lunchtime on the west coast. You'd get better exposure during the after school hours. :P

I know, that's why I deleted my message. I just came home from school. :wink:

Lol, kinda sad there aren't many responses but still, it was fun doing right?

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#16 deactivated-5d6e91f5c147a
Member since 2008 • 26108 Posts

Nice review of Secret of Mana Actic, I agree completely.

Course everyone else did an awesome job as well, keep it up, I always look forward to these :P

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#17 magiciandude
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It's mid-afternoon on the east coast, which means it's about lunchtime on the west coast. You'd get better exposure during the after school hours. :PJandurin
I know, that's why I deleted my message. I just came home from school. :wink:

Lol, kinda sad there aren't many responses but still, it was fun doing right?

Hmm, I dunno, I haven't responses about the comic that I made yet. :P
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#18 blue_hazy_basic  Moderator
Member since 2002 • 30854 Posts
Left 4 Dead is freaking awesomesauce.Jandurin
Just got it from gamefly on friday and i'm lovin it! :D
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#19 TalesofRaGnArOk
Member since 2007 • 3189 Posts

Secret of Mana is timeless, timeless I say! I'll settle for no lower than an 8.5

In all seriousness, I'm sure most would agree that it's aged pretty well. Its only real competition was the Ys series, so not much has changed.

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#20 Giancar
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[QUOTE="Jandurin"] It's mid-afternoon on the east coast, which means it's about lunchtime on the west coast. You'd get better exposure during the after school hours. :PActicEdge

I know, that's why I deleted my message. I just came home from school. :wink:

Lol, kinda sad there aren't many responses but still, it was fun doing right?

yeah, people fighting in other threads... but congrats to all of you folks, nice review Actic but I gave the game a way better score :P A question, are u using .5 increments for your reviews like GS or was it a coincidence?
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#21 ActicEdge
Member since 2008 • 24492 Posts

Nice review of Secret of Mana Actic, I agree completely.

Course everyone else did an awesome job as well, keep it up, I always look forward to these :P


I'm waiting for people to complain about the 7.5. Its another experiment SW :o (not really, I'm just a tough critic)

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#22 blue_hazy_basic  Moderator
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It's mid-afternoon on the east coast, which means it's about lunchtime on the west coast. You'd get better exposure during the after school hours. :PJandurin
I know, that's why I deleted my message. I just came home from school. :wink:

Lol, kinda sad there aren't many responses but still, it was fun doing right?

It'll be a slow burn thread, takes a long time to read all thats gone up there!
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#23 ActicEdge
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[QUOTE="magiciandude"] I know, that's why I deleted my message. I just came home from school. :wink:


Lol, kinda sad there aren't many responses but still, it was fun doing right?

yeah, people fighting in other threads... but congrats to all of you folks, nice review Actic but I gave the game a way better score :P A question, are u using .5 increments for your reviews like GS or was it a coincidence?

I really was just following gamespot format increments. I generally dislikedoing like .1 because its simply impossible to sayexplain why a game is a 7.8 or a 7.9 for example. I might move to .2 though because I think I can justify that enough but for now .5 is the eay I roll 8). Anyway, I really like Secret of Mana (probably gonna play again in the next few weeks) but I'm a rather harsh reviewer and I don't let flaws pass easily lol. Plus, Ithink 7.5 is an excellent score :P

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#24 deactivated-5e836a855beb2
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Secret of Mana deserves an 8.5. It'd be an 8.0 without coop functionality.
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#25 ActicEdge
Member since 2008 • 24492 Posts

The review discontent begins :lol: Naw guys, 7.5 for me, the game is flawed as hell but its still awesome.

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#26 deactivated-5e836a855beb2
Member since 2005 • 95573 Posts

The review discontent begins :lol: Naw guys, 7.5 for me, the game is flawed as hell but its still awesome.

well, i played it on the SNES a year or two after it came out :P
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#27 ActicEdge
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The review discontent begins :lol: Naw guys, 7.5 for me, the game is flawed as hell but its still awesome.


well, i played it on the SNES a year or two after it came out :P

I played it like last year (diidn't finish)and then again during the spring lol. I guess back in the day I might have thought differently (I'm not even sure if I was old enough to hold a controller when this game out lol)

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#28 deactivated-5d6e91f5c147a
Member since 2008 • 26108 Posts


Nice review of Secret of Mana Actic, I agree completely.

Course everyone else did an awesome job as well, keep it up, I always look forward to these :P


I'm waiting for people to complain about the 7.5. Its another experiment SW :o (not really, I'm just a tough critic)

Oh people complain even if it was a perfect score so meh to them.
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#29 ActicEdge
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Nice review of Secret of Mana Actic, I agree completely.

Course everyone else did an awesome job as well, keep it up, I always look forward to these :P


I'm waiting for people to complain about the 7.5. Its another experiment SW :o (not really, I'm just a tough critic)

Oh people complain even if it was a perfect score so meh to them.

Man, I would love the reaction to me giving SOM a 10. In fact, I should write a Yoshi's Island review, say I'm bias in the Review, give it an 11 and see what peoplesay. That would be fun lol. Anyway, yup, 7.5 and I'm sticking to that score.

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#30 DaViD_99
Member since 2007 • 2496 Posts
Great work guys! Glad it was longer this time.
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#31 Giancar
Member since 2006 • 19160 Posts


Lol, kinda sad there aren't many responses but still, it was fun doing right?


yeah, people fighting in other threads... but congrats to all of you folks, nice review Actic but I gave the game a way better score :P A question, are u using .5 increments for your reviews like GS or was it a coincidence?

I really was just following gamespot format increments. I generally dislikedoing like .1 because its simply impossible to sayexplain why a game is a 7.8 or a 7.9 for example. I might move to .2 though because I think I can justify that enough but for now .5 is the eay I roll 8). Anyway, I really like Secret of Mana (probably gonna play again in the next few weeks) but I'm a rather harsh reviewer and I don't let flaws pass easily lol. Plus, Ithink 7.5 is an excellent score :P

Well I am more comfortable with the .1 increments...Sometimes I fell like a game is 8.2 worthy, but I have to round up the score to either 8..0 or 8.5 :/ Well I prefer that way
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#32 Willy105
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I don't like numerical scores anymore. I use the 5 star system now for myself.
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#33 ActicEdge
Member since 2008 • 24492 Posts


[QUOTE="Giancar"] yeah, people fighting in other threads... but congrats to all of you folks, nice review Actic but I gave the game a way better score :P A question, are u using .5 increments for your reviews like GS or was it a coincidence?Giancar

I really was just following gamespot format increments. I generally dislikedoing like .1 because its simply impossible to sayexplain why a game is a 7.8 or a 7.9 for example. I might move to .2 though because I think I can justify that enough but for now .5 is the eay I roll 8). Anyway, I really like Secret of Mana (probably gonna play again in the next few weeks) but I'm a rather harsh reviewer and I don't let flaws pass easily lol. Plus, Ithink 7.5 is an excellent score :P

Well I am more comfortable with the .1 increments...Sometimes I fell like a game is 8.2 worthy, but I have to round up the score to either 8..0 or 8.5 :/ Well I prefer that way

I know what you mean but I find the justification for that score comparison wise is never good. I mean you have people acting like GeOW is some how better than a host of 9.5s due to .1. How do you justify that honestly? I do like the flexibility thoough.

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#34 deactivated-63f6895020e66
Member since 2004 • 21177 Posts
I don't like numerical scores anymore. I use the 5 star system now for myself.Willy105
What's the difference between using stars and numbers?
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#35 SolidTy
Member since 2005 • 49991 Posts

What's up with that poll?

I didn't even vote because I didn't agree with any of the responses.

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#36 SparkyProtocol
Member since 2009 • 7680 Posts
[QUOTE="Jandurin"]Left 4 Dead is freaking awesomesauce.blue_hazy_basic
Just got it from gamefly on friday and i'm lovin it! :D

I hope Valve or a modder can come up with a campaign that is scary, I wan teh horror. :P I am looking forward to the Silent Hill campaign.
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#37 -Oath
Member since 2008 • 8014 Posts

Nice SoM review Actic and while I agree on almost every point I believe it deserves a 8.0. Why? Because it soundtrack is probably one of the best of the Snes age. Its a shame the composer didnt make it too far in his career.

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#38 Willy105
Member since 2005 • 26211 Posts
[QUOTE="Willy105"]I don't like numerical scores anymore. I use the 5 star system now for myself.IronBass
What's the difference between using stars and numbers?

People are less obsessed over them instead of the actual review.
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#39 Willy105
Member since 2005 • 26211 Posts
Anybody got Mod Squad yet?
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#40 W1NGMAN-
Member since 2008 • 10109 Posts

I'll give this issue a Meh out of 10. Oh well, don't give up guys!

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#41 ActicEdge
Member since 2008 • 24492 Posts

Nice SoM review Actic and while I agree on almost every point I believe it deserves a 8.0. Why? Because it soundtrack is probably one of the best of the Snes age. Its a shame the composer didnt make it too far in his career.


I was arguing on 8 or 7.5. The 7.5 sounds alittle low I agree but i see it as a fantastic score. Its hard when your on the edge like that for a score. I agree though, the soundtrack is fantastic imo.

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#42 ActicEdge
Member since 2008 • 24492 Posts

I'll give this issue a Meh out of 10. Oh well, don't give up guys!


I'd love to know why it was meh. I'd also take this as you volunteering your talents ;)

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#43 Giancar
Member since 2006 • 19160 Posts
[QUOTE="IronBass"][QUOTE="Willy105"]I don't like numerical scores anymore. I use the 5 star system now for myself.Willy105
What's the difference between using stars and numbers?

People are less obsessed over them instead of the actual review.

it would be exactly the same. 2 stars = 2/5
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#44 deactivated-63f6895020e66
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it would be exactly the same. 2 stars = 2/5Giancar
Beat me to it.
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#45 deactivated-63f6895020e66
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I'd love to know why it was meh.ActicEdge
You didn't comment about the awesomeness of the PS3. That's insta-mehness in SW :x
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#46 deactivated-5d6e91f5c147a
Member since 2008 • 26108 Posts


I'll give this issue a Meh out of 10. Oh well, don't give up guys!


I'd love to know why it was meh.

Lack of pictures of you guys posing nude of course ;)

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#47 ActicEdge
Member since 2008 • 24492 Posts

[QUOTE="ActicEdge"]I'd love to know why it was meh.IronBass
You didn't comment about the awesomeness of the PS3. That's insta-mehness in SW :x

I guess so. Well, I don't really know where the PS3 is relevant in an SNES review but:

PS3 rocks, Trey 4 life!!!!

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#48 ActicEdge
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I'll give this issue a Meh out of 10. Oh well, don't give up guys!


I'd love to know why it was meh.

Lack of pictures of you guys posing nude of course ;)

I wouldn't want to make SW feel bad about uncontrollable circumstances . . . .. .

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#49 ActicEdge
Member since 2008 • 24492 Posts

[QUOTE="Giancar"] it would be exactly the same. 2 stars = 2/5IronBass
Beat me to it.

Well yeah but people are generally less annoyed about stars for some reason. I won't do that though, the critics are just gonna have toswallow it cause I'm gonna say what I think lol

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#50 deactivated-5d6e91f5c147a
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I'd love to know why it was meh.


Lack of pictures of you guys posing nude of course ;)

I wouldn't want to make SW feel bad about uncontrollable circumstances . . . .. .

Oh you...:P