2012 is drawing to a close folks.
The Sleeping Dogs have woken. The Far Cry(ies)s have reached us. We've heeded the Call of Duty (once again...). We've determined who's the machine in Halo 4. Guilds have been made, and wars have been held too. The Dishonored have left their mark and Mass Effect 3 had a massive effect on the internet's forums.
I know, I'm terrible at puns, but that's not the point.
The point is that we've had a great year. I could go on with all the great games we've had that had unique storytelling like Hotline Miami, Zero Escape, Virtue's Last Reward, or Spec Ops. Or we could talk about industry stalwarts like Pokemon dominating the market once again. Whether you hate it or love it, the Wii U has already left a mark on the industry, and so has 2012.
It may not be 2011 in terms of games, or even 2010, or 2009, but hey, it was sure better than 2008 right? Right?
Anyways, System Wars is voting again on the best game of 2012. The one you can tell your grandchildren came out the year the Wii U came out and when the Mayans picked as humanity's ultimate demise (which is also my birthday!). The one you can firmly say stood taller than the rest, even if that margin is by inches or by meters (like that international flavo(u)r?)
Thanks to Charizard1605 for the template to this thread and the following rules
Voting is relatively simple, but there are the following stipulations:
- Any games released on the PC, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, Wii U, DS, 3DS, PS Vita, or PSP this year counts as a 2012 release. They must have originally come out in 2012 unless they came out first in Japan a year ago (2011) and were recently put in English (as most SW members speak and play English games). No Xenoblade. No Dark Souls PTD Edition. No Witcher 2 EE.
- Pickup to three gamesto be your Game of the Year Choice. The first place will be for 30 points, second for 20, and third for 15. Tallies will be made in the end.
- You can vote through Monday, January 10th, 2013 Midnight CT.Any votes after that will not be considered.
- Feel free to edit your posts.
- You must be Level 10 or have at least 350 posts to vote.
- Don't vote for a game that has not been localized. Import only games do not qualify.Only games that released in two out of the three major territories (NA, JP, PAL) are eligible.
Bazam! Get on it folks!
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