Ok, we're about three or four years into this generation. I figure a lot of things can change in that time, and that all but the most fanboyish among us should be able to admit that some of our purchases may not have been the wisest. So I'd like to hear everyone's personal stories of buyers remorse; what systems you wish you had or hadn't bought, as well the reasons for your current regret vs. why you thought it sounded good at the time.
I'll begin.
My current gaming set-up consists of a PS2 slim, a Wii and 360 Pro with a 120 GB HDD installed later. Now, despite its multiple shortcomings in the graphics, online, storage and control departments, I absolutely do not regret purchasing my launch-day Wii. Mainly for its indispensable first-party titles including this generations best game (imo) Super Mario Galaxy, but also because it has the best version of last-gen's best game (again, imo) Resident Evil 4, perfect backwards compatibility with my entire Gamecube library, which I actually enjoyed even more than the PS2's, and the Virtual Console, whose awesomeness I shouldn't even need to explain.
No, my real regret is that I bought a 360 vs a PS3 60 GB and a decent gaming rig equipped with Steam. It wasn't by any means a hasty, uninformed or irresponsible decision; I spent literally months prior doing heavy research and weighing the pros and cons of each, and for the longest time it was as obvious as it is now that the 360 did not sufficiently address my wants.
I already knew I preferred the PS3's controller to the 360's, with its more symmetrical and ergonomic placement of the left analog stick and (actually functioning) D-Pad, and that a mouse and keyboard were the only way to be truly competent at most first-person shooters.
I knew the 360 was susceptible to various forms of hardware failure (though granted, none have happened to me yet).
I knew that the PS3 and Steam both offered free online, and while I'm not really big on multiplayer and I've heard PSN's service isn't as streamlined or user-friendly as XBL's, at least I could have chosen to try it out on occasion (or not) without being prodded by the urgency of justifying a fee, especially one that I shouldn't have had to pay in the first place.
I knew that the 360's flagship exclusives like Gears and Halo didn't interest me in the slightest, and that between a PS3 and PC I would have access to all the titles on the 360 I DID care about and then some.
But even with all this in mind, my desperation to play on a proper HD system right then and there, coupled with my lack of willpower to spend a few months saving up for a PS3 and even longer for vastly improved PC specs finally compelled me to opt for the 360, which I saw as sort of cheap compromise between the console and PC worlds.
Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying my 360 quite a bit, and my various grievances amount to little more than I light nagging feeling I get once in awhile. Furthermore, I fully acknowledge that my personal tastes will differ from many posters here and I don't consider mine to somehow more legitimate than theirs, so please don't take offense or think I'm bashing the 360 (not that kind of thing should deeply offend you, but still).
So yeah, sorry for the long post. Anyone else care to vent?
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