For those star hunters: I made a mistake on the riddle for page 27, it should be 36 instead of 30.
Three stars were carried over on the next pages after the "replacing P" star. This is a mistake, stick to the riddles and you will be fine. The star was carried over from a previous page on accident so that star appears in the same spot four times in a row. Bad, I know.
Lastly, on page 7, the riddler spelt barefeet wrong. It says barefront when it should say barefeet.
Once again, Greetings SystemWars Warriors, SWM is here at last! Special mention goes out to The_Game21x for hosting the rather sizable pdf on his wonderful site (! Also, take notice of the CHALLENGE on the Meet the Crew page! First one to complete it gets a Steam copy of Trine from me! Good luck and happy reading!
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