Apparently Yasumi Matsuno is going back to S-E to release a "reimagining" of the original game. Tactics Ogre is a great game with a pretty good story (from what I could understand - the original required a pretty high mastery of Japanese). It's going to put an even greater focus on the characters, which is probably a response to flaws in FFXII. And for those of you who don't know, the original game allowed you to make meaningful decisions that changed where you stood in the game. There were three major routes that you could take. So this may be more approachable for fans of WRPGs who like to make an impact on the story. There will also be new characters with new stories.
Before we call this a remake, it should be noted that the original superfamicom sprites are what you'll be commanding across fully rotatable 3D maps. Character art will be all new and there will be new interface changes, but it also seems to hold some things from the original. Personally, I am a bit worried about how those lower-quality-than-FFT sprites will look on new 3D systems (It's possible that there will be sprites LIKE the original game, but not of the original game. Andrisang doesn't necessarily provide reliable translations). There will also be new additions to the gameplay such as skills and "wheel of fate."
You can read more about the confusing status of this new Tactics Ogre game here:.
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