Yea's TeamXbox. But they usually give pretty fair reviews for Xbox and 360 games.
Anywho, for those who are thinking about picking up the game, here's their review in summary:
Gameplay: 9.7
"Dangerously addictive and loads of fun, Forza Motorsport 2 has what it takes under the hood to satisfy both car junkies and general gamers alike."
Graphics 8.3
Car tuning is a series of compromises, which holds true for the graphics in a high end sim as well. Flat as a board comes to mind.
Audio 8.3
Rarely do the sound effects in Forza Motorsport 2 jump out and grab your attention like an open-exhaust rotary engine does in real life. Get those custom soundtracks ready.
Longevity 9.9
Forza Motorsport 2 appears to be thoroughly designed to ensure that you have no life outside of its cockpit.
Innovation 9.0
Not as big of a leap ahead of its predecessor as hoped, but it's still lapping the competition in terms of the complete car culture experience.
Overall Score(not an average) 9.3
the only score that really suprised me was the sound. on my 5.1 system, the engine sounds were ****awesome****. Maybe it has a weak built-in music sountrack. Or maybe it doesn't have a regular music soundrack at all? Everything else is what I expect.
I'm confident it will be AAA here.
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