The 360 is a polished turd.
The Turd (360)
1) Overhyped on the internet* despite breaking faster and more often than a chinese microwave. The 360 dies of RROD more than fat people take heart attacks.
2) Overhyped on the internet* for its Live service. Despite paying for something that constantly lags. Live lags worse than old people ****.
3) Overhyped on the internet*, despite having a medium from the 1990's. DVD.
The Turdlets (Games)
1) Halo 3, overhyped on the internet*, despite being a rehash of a rehash (High Res Halo 1)
2) Sorry, I'm already stuck thinking of a second game exclusive to the 360. Nobody outside SW even knows what they are.
3) Alan Wake (WTF), Too Human (WTF), Fable (WTF) ... all overhyped on SW**
*- Denotes reviews from internet media - i.e: biased geekery. By default, a reviewer on the internet is a geek. By default, 360 fanboys are geeks. Therefore, any opinion/review of 360 merchandise on the internet is biased. Therefore, its crap is overated, some might say out of sheer desperation. Ergo the term, polished turd/turdlets.
** - Denotes 360 fanboys on Gamespots 'System Wars'. Said fanboys will overhype turdlets that nobody has even heard of, for the sole fact that they're Xbox 360-only. That the games they speak of are trash matters not. Their doctrine is, that if you hype it enough, it'll compete with the big boys.
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