It is inevitable for people to eventually own a PS3. The PS3 just has some cool games coming out in the future. Right now it isn't worth the price of admission, but in due time a lot of people are going to get it. The Wii selling on nothing, but hype and being cheap. If it had the goods in the game department I would never criticize it. The wii is worst then the PS3 in the game department. Other than Mario Kart Wii there is nothing I am looking forward to for the wii.
Nintendo fans claim that Nintendo is so innovative, yet they keep rehashing the same franchises every generation. Where is the innovation in that. Every nintendo generation I owned the same games Zelda, SSB, Mario Kart, and a Mario game. WHy are the only games interesting to me on a Nintendo system are the same. I know the future of the PS3 and the 360 future is going to be bright in the games department.
I am a huge 360 fan, but I realized the 360 is going to be dead last. It will not be because of the games it will be because of their hardware situation. They were not as popular as the Sony was when they had their DRE with the PS2. The 360 hardware failure is just halting the 360. There is no reason the 360 should not be flying off the shelves. Its cheaper and it has great games.
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