Could we see an industry shift in excitement over to the ps3 after 2007 ? Will the 360 after 2 years start feeling a bit stale in comparison ?
360 after 2007
- Franchises (some big) appearing on the console for the first time - Fable , Ninja Gaiden , possibly Banjo , maybe Jade Empire (rumored)
- Sequelitis - Gears of War 2 , PGR4 , Lost Planet and Dead rising 2 (rumored). The makers of DOA 4, Mass Effect ,Too Human , Forza 2, Halo3, will probably go on to do sequels.
- New IPs ? I can't think of any.
I guess there will be some decent PC games like Alan Wake here and there but they aren't exclusive.
ps3 after 2007
- 3 major returning franchise system sellers appearing in next-gen for the first time in - Metal Gear Solid 4 , Final Fantasy XIII , Gran Turismo 5 , and another very large game to get excited about in God of War III. :shock: Those 4 will generate major interest.
- Other big games the industry will be talking about making their next-gen debuts in - Tekken 6 , Killzone 2 , the next Socom and other Sony franchises that can be tapped into like Jak and Daxter.
- New IPs - White Night Story , Eight Days , Uncharted possibly in 2008 , 2 Team ICO games (rumored)
plus FF Versus XIII
Even sheep should be a little worried if SSBB , Super Mario Galaxy , and Metroid Prime 3 all release in 2007. I know there will be a next gen Mario Kart , Animal Crossing , and a few other decent Nintendo franchises here and there ... but the new IPs will basically be the "wii" line games with a few hopes and dreams. I think the best thing they can hope for to get to the same level as the ps3 will be the hopes of getting Kingdom Hearts III , Dragon Quest X , and some exciting new IPs.
Thoughts ?
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