[QUOTE="Pro_wrestler"][QUOTE="amtentori"]We all know the 360 is powerful, HD, and has great games... but I think that it launched without going all out nextgen hurt it in the long run.
Main point: the core should have never existed. Maybe the 360 would have a lower install base, but I believe the 360 would have more momentum right now.
Some people might start viewing the 360 as not the new thing anymore, and will opt for the ps3 or the wii. 360 has the games, but hype and public perception are what drives sales in this industry.
Last gen aspects of the 360 that might hurt it.(some are only for the core, but having one standard unit would be so much better)
-wired controllers.....
-no standard hdd
-dvd format
it is interesting to see that the ps3 and 360 have completely different approaches.. the ps3 trying to be future proof, while the 360 trying to be more of a bridge btw the generations. We'll have to see which one wins out in the end. btw my 360 is currently in repairs :P andI dont plan on ever buyng a ps3. I also have a wii and a ds.
You mention how public appeal and perception is key..What positive spotlight has Sony received prior to this month? None..You talk about how the lack of fully Wireless controllers, No standard HDD and use of the DVD format is hurting the 360 yet the Wii has the sales and positive perception because of all the things.
I never said the ps3's public perception is bad.
The wii has wireless controllers.
Although the wii does not have standard hdd, it doesnt require memory cards like the core does. games on the wii will probably never need a hd instalation, so its not that big of a deal. The problem with no standard hdd is that the premium has it, while the core doesnt....the wii is convenient.. the core is not convienient for consumers nor developers.
The wiis public perception is really good.
Sure it has Wireless controllers..but it also supports wired ones as does the 360. Explain to me how its no convienent to the dev or consumer? The consumer will buy it because they want it..the developer will figure out how to work around this "problem" because they don't have a choice if they want to continue developing games on 360. By your thinking both GCN and PS2 where held back because of lack of hard drives..Xbox had a standard HDD yet no one used it and we all know who the victor was last gen. You don't need a HDD to play its games and as long as that is a reality, the core will always be a good choice for those who don't want to shell out the extra $100.
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