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Well let's compare the North American and Japanese launch to present:
North American
Had many first party appealing games for launch (Project Gotham Racing 3, Amped 3, Kameo, etc.)
Many third parties supported it with big hit quality appealing games right at launch window (GRAW, Dead Rising, etc.)
After it's first year it had plenty of games that appealed to the North American audience
Third Parties took the console very seriously
Had plenty of great advertsing
Had Gears of War to push for the '07 holiday
Had many games come out at '07 such as Crackdown, Forza 2, Project Gotham Racing 4, Halo 3, Lost Planet, etc.
Previous Console was a Success
Didn't launch any appealing first party games for the country
Only got Dead or Alive 4 at launch and didn't get another quality game that appealed to the country for a whole year
Didn't have any appealing games for the audience in the first year (unless you count those crap budget titles)
Third Parties (except Capcom) didn't take the system seriously at all and the Western Publishers don't take Japan serously either with none of them (save EA who barely tries too) that have set up publishing stations in Japan
Advertising was a complete joke
Had Blue Dragon to push the '07 holiday
Eternal Sonata and Ace Combat 6 are so far the only games to that appeal to the Japanese to come out this year and came out 6 months apart from one another
Previous Console was a Failure
Wow I can only LAUGH at this. So according to your logic PS3 must be on life support EVERYWHERE else since they dropped their prices by TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS IN LESS THEN A YEAR!thegame1980
the japanese dont trust american hardware thats why.yoyo462001
the japanese dont trust american hardware thats why.yoyo462001
culturally biased asians
[QUOTE="deavincalhoun"]If the 360 has had so many price drop in japan it must be totally dean.keepereio
yeah the 360 is def doing terrible in japan, but diddnt they outselt ps3 last week or something? Not that it means anything cause they are still doomed over there.
Yes, you're right. The 360 did outsell PS3 in Japan for a week thanks to Ace Combat 6.
It may not be the savior of the console in the land of the rising sun, but it does offer a little hope that the Japanese are open to non-Japanese system.
Probably has to do with the piss poor way Microsoft advertises there. With the right marketing you can get people of any nation to buy anything. I've seen some of their commercials, it's brutal.
With that said all's not lost. There's still Lost Odyssey, Infinite Undiscovery, Cry On, Ninja Gaiden 2, Dead or Alive 5, Resident Evil 5 and The Last Remnant. All of which should sell well on the Xbox 360 in Japan, I'm still surprised Ace Combat 6 moved 76,000 its first week. It'll drop next week, but it's already exceeded my expectations.
One thing haters don't understand, is Microsoft is just trying to expand on their market in Japan. They aren't trying to catch up to Sony or Nintendo on their home turf, yet. They've already passed the amount of software they've sold in the region vs the original Xbox. By the end of this year they will have passed the 500,000 that the original Xbox sold. With all the JRPGs coming out next year and 2009, I think Microsoft can easily move 1 - 2 million Xbox 360s in Japan. Unless they F-up somehow.
I'm pretty confident by this time next year there will be atleast 800,000 Xbox 360s sold in Japan.
The Xbox 360 is at about 480,000 sold and 170,000 sold this time last year. So we can assume that the 310,000 Xbox 360s sales were sparked by the release of Blue Dragon. As well as Eternal Sonata and Ace Combat. I think that Lost Odyssey will have a similar effect that'll push sales through 2008. Infinite Undiscovery, The Last Remnant and Cry On will help carry sales through out the year.
It only had one :? It's like $350 over there. Compared to $300 PS3 and $200 Wii.EponiqueIt's actually around 300 US dollars in Japan and it comes bundled with Forza Motorsport 2 and Viva Pinata.
[QUOTE="Eponique"]It only had one :? It's like $350 over there. Compared to $300 PS3 and $200 Wii.BreakingPoint8It's actually around 300 US dollars in Japan and it comes bundled with Forza Motorsport 2 and Viva Pinata.
My currency knowledge is outdated :P $1 = 100 yen is no more.
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