I'm making this thread to aid people in deciding which system they want. It's not a "my opinion is best" thread, but rather an archive of opinions. I want to hear your opinion too.
What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of each system are?
Although I don't expect you to follow a certain format, in my opinion I'm going to try and list only 4 advantages and only 3 disadvantages for each system to avoid ranting on all my inherent biases.
Nintendo Wii
The Advantages
- It has the highest number of "Happy Games" as I would call them, that is, games that have that childish innocence that gives you that fairy tale letharsis which is comforting like a glass of ice cold chocolate milk on a hot day.
- It is the most family friendly. A lot of the kid friendly games are also very fun for adults.
- It is the price relative cheapest of the three consoles right now.
- It has the highest number of Multiplayer Party games - as in games that you play in the same room and on the same screen with your friends. This number is increased by the Gamecube's already lofty offering in this department.
The Disadvantages
- Few online games. The online games that exist often require the input of friend codes, so online gaming is essentially done with known friends only since because of this becoming a part of a community this way is difficult - some online games performance is underpar as well.
- The system has an announced casual focus, which means that high value single player games are going to be fewer on this system than other consoles; this does not mean though that they are or are going to be completely absent (Although as far as current announcements go, the future does look bleak, at least for the next year.)
- The main value of the console comes from first party support. This can be viewed as an advantage, unless you've already become very familiar with the Nintendo franchises and are tired of them. Since this one is an advantage for some, I'll also add here that there is no hardrive. That means that downloadable content, including full games, can be limited.
Sony Playstation
The Advantages
- Has the magical Cell processor that will make all your dreams come true... in about five years. Oh, and it's potentially the most powerful of the three consoles.
- Has Metal Gear Solid 4
- Is the most cost effective system if you actually use all of its options - It has a built in wireless, its controllers have first party recharable batteries that work better than any third party crap I've bought for my other systems, if you got the right version (60GB or the current 80GB) it has backward compatibility to the PS2 which opens up arguably the best console library to date, and it utilizes Blu-ray discs without needing any attachments.
- The online is free, and generally better than the Wii's online (Which is also free.)
The Disadvantages
- It is the most expensive console when it comes to relative price. You may not want all the options it comes with and besides giving up backward compatibility (currently) you can't opt not to have them.
- Though the online community is accessible (Because it's free) it's not as big as another console's - at the moment the community doesn't seem to be well equipped with headsets - at least when it comes to MGO and Team Fortress 2. I don't have Warhawk, but since the thing came with a bluetooth headset for a while there, I imagine that particular game is a little better in that department.
- At the moment, it has the smallest library of the three consoles (Of both good and bad games.)
Microsoft X-Box 360
The Advantages
- Currently has the best online community of the three consoles, making it easy to make friends to play with.
- Currently has the best library of critically acclaimed games.
- Has arguably the best downloadable game service - and this is almost undisputed when it comes to new games (Not just re-releases of old ones.)
- Currently has the most American developer support from companies like Valve, Bioware, and Bungie.
The Disadvantages
- I've heard a lot of people complain that the console is unreliable. Though I haven't had this experience yet, there is always the fear of the spooky Red Ring of Death coming along and bricking your system. On the bright side, the system has a three year warranty! But back to being pessimistic, it does mean that you wont see your console for a few weeks while they repair it.
- To play your games online, it costs $50 a year. This might not seem like much, but if you own the console for 5 years, it adds up (to $250, to be precise.)
- A lot of the most critically acclaimed exclusive games, like Gears of War and Mass Effect, eventually end up on the PC anyway. Of course you could turn that around and say that a lot of PC games also get developed for the 360. Depends on your preference on this one.
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