Doesn't really mean much. Especially since the Xbox 360 and PS3 will be selling well enough for still another 2-3 years. Not only that, but these systems will be getting their own versions of next gen games like MGS5, Destiny, Titan Fall (360), etc. In theory, what's to say these games can't come out on Wii U? Yes right now sales are sluggish, but if the issue is games, Nintendo has plenty of games coming out in 2014. Also, the recent NPD numbers for PS4 & X1 are launch numbers, having had a year of hype and marketing go into it. It's no wonder that Wii U sales were dwarfed in comparison. And lastly, "next gen" has literally just started. And the PS4 & X1 don't really have any must have games at the moment nor will they for at least a while. And the cost of investment are also much higher for these systems than a Wii U (more expensive, have to pay for online, etc). SO then, is the Wii U really screwed? Just my two cents in defense of the system.
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