In one corner, we have...
With great reviews nearly everywhere except with GameSpot's Carolyn Petit, who said the game has "no midlevel checkpoints. This is annoying throughout the game. Solving puzzles the first time is satisfying; going through the motions of completing puzzles you've already solved is just tedious."
However, users on the forums say things like this:
The game is a lot of fun so far; have played an hour of it and it not only looks great but is controls nicely as well.>Zassimick
It is definitely a "9" game for 3DS if i ever saw one. Top tier and first class.Videodogg
The always respected YoshiYogurt says
Love the game so farYoshiYogurt
but it just doesn't stand up to the original for me.YoshiYogurt
On the other side, we have:
The fantastic open-world Vita exclusive that many are recently picking up and enjoying. However, Carolyn said "Gravity Rush raises a number of compelling questions about Kat and about the nature of Hekseville over the course of the game. But the game peters out before answering most of the questions it raises, saving up its mysteries for potential sequels and making the conclusion to this adventure deeply unsatisfying." She also feels that "Unfortunately, Gravity Rush soon becomes saddled with an emphasis on lackluster combat, putting a real damper on the unencumbered joy of gravity manipulation," and that "there's no lock-on," which the game actually gives you in the form of a pseudo-lock-on that works great 95% of the time, but I digress.
Users here said
I liked it.freedomfreak
and that
gravity rush for me. i cant put it downultraking
You may have heard of this user
I like gravity rush, I want another game like that. =P2ndWonder
Or even this one, the one whose taste is usually awful
This game is fvcking beautiful.Seriously. The most beautiful open world game since AC2.funsohng
He also said
This game needs a sequel. Fix camera, add in sprinting and acrobatic platforming in conjunction with gravity shift, and you have the perfect game. funsohng
So SW users, which of these underrated games is the better one out of 6.5 realm dwellers?
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