there's something special about the 4th instalment of a videogame franchise .4 seems to be the magic number
in your opinion what is the best 4th installment of a videogame franchise
Resident Evil 4
Metal Gear Solid 4
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there's something special about the 4th instalment of a videogame franchise .4 seems to be the magic number
in your opinion what is the best 4th installment of a videogame franchise
Resident Evil 4
Metal Gear Solid 4
Those aren't the only fourth installments ever made.ash10692
any other 4th installment in videogames series will have a tough time to rub shoulders to shoulders w/ compared to those heavyweights mentioned above ....i mean would some1 actually pick ace combat 4 over the titles above ???
[QUOTE="ash10692"]Those aren't the only fourth installments ever made.Kakarot00769
any other 4th installment in videogames series will have a tough time to rub shoulders to shoulders w/ compared to those heavyweights mentioned above ....i mean would some1 actually pick ace combat 4 over the titles above ???
If you looked hard enough.
Resident Evil 4 definatly.
It pretty much revamped everything bad about the Resident evil series and made it amazing. Most disagree with me, but i think this was all for the better. Maybe they could have made it more survivally and less shooter on second thought....
I'm unsure now.
Cows will make up the silliest thread just to praise MGS4. Ok we get it. Blue-SkyHehe. I think you've discovered this thread's dark and twisted purpose!
[QUOTE="ash10692"]Those aren't the only fourth installments ever made.Kakarot00769
any other 4th installment in videogames series will have a tough time to rub shoulders to shoulders w/ compared to those heavyweights mentioned above ....i mean would some1 actually pick ace combat 4 over the titles above ???
If I'm not mistaken, Super Mario World would have been SMB "4". So that would be my vote.[QUOTE="TDLlama"]Darn it, you beat me to it, though I agree. Also, wouldn't Ocarina of Time be Zelda "4"? Or did majora's mask come first?Super Mario World. I broke your poll.
[QUOTE="TDLlama"]Darn it, you beat me to it, though I agree. Also, wouldn't Ocarina of Time be Zelda "4"? Or did majora's mask come first?Super Mario World. I broke your poll.
Technically, OoT would be Zelda 4.
I change my vote, then. Poll still broken, BTW.
Suda 51? Fatal Frame 4 will own.Metal Gear Solid 4 > Resident Evil 4 > Call of Duty 4 > Grand Theft Auto 4.
Hopefully Fatal Frame IV takes this to heart.
[QUOTE="Steppy_76"][QUOTE="TDLlama"]Darn it, you beat me to it, though I agree. Also, wouldn't Ocarina of Time be Zelda "4"? Or did majora's mask come first?Super Mario World. I broke your poll.
Technically, OoT would be Zelda 4.
I change my vote, then. Poll still broken, BTW.
Broken? I think more like smashed, crushed, run over, trampled by elephants, and danced on by 1000 virgins.[QUOTE="TDLlama"][QUOTE="Steppy_76"][QUOTE="TDLlama"]Darn it, you beat me to it, though I agree. Also, wouldn't Ocarina of Time be Zelda "4"? Or did majora's mask come first?Super Mario World. I broke your poll.
Technically, OoT would be Zelda 4.
I change my vote, then. Poll still broken, BTW.
Broken? I think more like smashed, crushed, run over, trampled by elephants, and danced on by 1000 virgins.[QUOTE="Steppy_76"][QUOTE="TDLlama"][QUOTE="Steppy_76"][QUOTE="TDLlama"]Darn it, you beat me to it, though I agree. Also, wouldn't Ocarina of Time be Zelda "4"? Or did majora's mask come first?Super Mario World. I broke your poll.
Technically, OoT would be Zelda 4.
I change my vote, then. Poll still broken, BTW.
Broken? I think more like smashed, crushed, run over, trampled by elephants, and danced on by 1000 virgins.And why 1000? That sounds like a lot of work... trying to find 1000 dancing virgins seems impossible.
Eh, I agree with the statement in general.
I actually enjoyed SH4. It's one of my favorite games to date.4 is certainly no magic number
just ask silent hill
I'll take Super Mario World, thank you very much.
From this poll, I voted MGS4. Honorable mention goes to RE4.
[QUOTE="REforever101"]I actually enjoyed SH4. It's one of my favorite games to date.4 is certainly no magic number
just ask silent hill
i absolutely love the concept behind sh4. the atmosphere when you're in that room....your only safe spot....and then it graduly turns all evil too
ah, it was awesome. and the whole land lord getting pissed off at you and spying on your neighbors....and the bloody handprints on the wall opposite your door....
sadly, i thought the actually levels were awful when compared to the other sh games. thats kinda what killed it for me. great idea, but the game went downhill after being forced to leave your cool little apartment
GTA4 was a great improvement in terms of shooting mechanics, physics etc. as you would expect but i think it lost some of that GTA magic. The humour wasnt as strong as in previous GTA games, this one seemed to go too far with the realsim approach, soundtrack was meh, etc etc.
COD4 was such a leap ahead of previous installments in terms of multiplayer but i think it fell short in single player. The campaign was pretty short, and overall i feel COD2's campaign was better.
RE4 is a difficult one. Its an excellent game, but it seemed to loose a lot of what made RE special. It was pretty linear with far less emphasis put on puzzle solving. It was all action. The most disappointing part was probably the fact it wasnt scary at all.
My vote goes to MGS4. It improved the gameplay mechanic getting rid of the fixed camera. The Octocam is basically MGS3's camouflage system perfected. The story is brilliant, even more-so than the excellent MGS3. And then theres the addition of MGO which is a good online game. Cant really compare it to MGS3's online component though (stupid MGS3 servers getting shut down:x)
GTA 4 sucks period. I just beat the game yesterday and I have no desire to play again. COD4 isn't really a forth installment because the stories differ from one game to another and is not depedent on previous games, so it could have been called anything and basically omiiting the 4 in its name. I have never played RE4 because I don't like RPG games, but I played the demo and it was just ok. Now, MGS4 is probably one of the best games I have played and it is a very ending to snake indeed.MotoRacer81
I have never played RE4 because I don't like RPG games, but I played the demo and it was just ok. MotoRacer81
Well if that was your problem then I suggest that you give RE4 a second chance... :?
[QUOTE="MotoRacer81"] I have never played RE4 because I don't like RPG games, but I played the demo and it was just ok. jethrovegas
Well if that was your problem then I suggest that you give RE4 a second chance... :?
oh wow, thats the first time ive seen anyone call any of the re games an rpg...
and is there even an re4 demo?
GTA4 was a great improvement in terms of shooting mechanics, physics etc. as you would expect but i think it lost some of that GTA magic. The humour wasnt as strong as in previous GTA games, this one seemed to go too far with the realsim approach, soundtrack was meh, etc etc.
COD4 was such a leap ahead of previous installments in terms of multiplayer but i think it fell short in single player. The campaign was pretty short, and overall i feel COD2's campaign was better.
RE4 is a difficult one. Its an excellent game, but it seemed to loose a lot of what made RE special. It was pretty linear with far less emphasis put on puzzle solving. It was all action. The most disappointing part was probably the fact it wasnt scary at all.
My vote goes to MGS4. It improved the gameplay mechanic getting rid of the fixed camera. The Octocam is basically MGS3's camouflage system perfected. The story is brilliant, even more-so than the excellent MGS3. And then theres the addition of MGO which is a good online game. Cant really compare it to MGS3's online component though (stupid MGS3 servers getting shut down:x)
metal gear online is 1 hell of a crappy game
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