Yep lemming have been avoiding this like a plague,but but but xbox live is superior,you can even control a friends games or join him without owning that game,far cry 4 support this from what i saw lol sony again making xbox live look like crap.
@gago-gago said:
When MS plan to do it, MS are so evil. When Sony plan to do it, Sony are so nice and for gamers. Lol. Also let's not get ahead of ourselves now. People were so excited about PS Now when it was announced and its turning out to be shit. Now people are hyping this Play Share and not really knowing all the details and hidden-read-the-fine-print info.
This thing and what MS anounce is not the same,second sony anounce this feature before MS even hint anything about xbox family plan,which was nothing but a trick to calm down the masses over DRM,only 1 family member could play at a time,unlike PSN sharing which allowd up to 5 people on PS3..
@gago-gago said:
Both Xbox One and PS4 can already let your friend play your games even if they don't own it, it's called gamesharing. But when Sony renames it, advertise it and plan to do other things with it, their fans gets on their knees and worship Sony lol. Also I have to research more about this, so a friend could take over your game from any where like they're on the couch with you? I don't like the sound of that. What if your friend gets hacked and that hacker takes control of your games when you don't want it to be, it's gonna be a mess. #GreatmessAwaits
Dude playshare is not game sharing you sad lemming,Game sharing has been on PS since the PS3,is not on xbox one by the way,Shareplay is about allowing you to play your friends actual game,so your friend is playing and he can pass a stage your friend can take control of your game from his house and pass it for you,basically he will be remotely playing the game for you,he doesn't need to own the game,or you can join him for co-op as well without owning the game,that is not on xbox one in any way.
@blackace said:
Microsoft is working on bring the Family Share plan back on the XB1. There are features on the XB1 that PS4 doesn't have. QR Redeem Code, Snap technology where you can play a game and use Skype at the same time. The XB1 can actually play a music CD, the PS4 can't. In the next update you'll be able to stream videos and music from your IOS & Android through the XB1. Yes, for gamers, by gamers. This is why idiotic Cow are so delusional and don't know squat. Keep bending over for Sony and taking it where the Sun don't shine.
Yeah just like every xbox one will be a dev
Yeah skype actually make out for the lack of playshare on xbox one,because is the same right.? Sharing games with your friends is the same a using snap to chat with some
CD playing is coming and who use that sh** any more.?
Now how CD playing compete with shareplay can you control a friend games from your house with CD playing.? How about streaming movies or music from android,can that allow me to control a friends games.? So you are countering a feature that is game based to share a game,with CD playing,skype,and movie streaming.? Boy xbox fans are crazy no wonder MS wanted to TV TV TV you all to hell and beyond..
Nothing you say counter his point fake manticore.
@edge_plus said:
@GrenadeLauncher said:
LOL lems weren't expecting similar limitations for their own shitty sharing programme.
@blackace said:
you can play a game and use Skype at the same time. The XB1 can actually play a music CD,
Oh shit guys, next gen is here.
What the **** does video and music have to do with games?
It's called multitasking and using MUSIC and VIDEOS while playing the game...WHICH the Xbox ONE is capable of doing.
Non are game related so yeah tv tv tv music
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