What was last generation's best game?
This is a continuation of a series of polls will determine what the SW, at least, thinks the best game from last gen is.
Today's games come from the top 5 gamespot reviews from last generation.
If your favorite game from last gen isn't on the poll, speak up, because the 4th and 5th polls will be based on what didn't make it on the first three polls.
I got the top 5 by looking down this chart: http://www.gamespot.com/reviews.html?platform=&category=&type=reviews&mode=all&sort=score&sortdir=asc#
And indeed, two of Gamespot's favorite games from last generation were on the Dreamcast.
(And it's a good thing too, because in the sales edition, I almost forgot the Dreamcast was last gen.)
For the sales edition, look here.
Last time the winner was Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
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