Apparently, No one at Nintendo knows why hardcore Wii games like Madworld and NMH sell like crap. I can think of a few reasons why.
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Apparently, No one at Nintendo knows why hardcore Wii games like Madworld and NMH sell like crap. I can think of a few reasons why.
So was Gears of War. Didn't stop it from selling like crazy.clubsammich91Gears of war is a lot longer than MadWorld. And it has a very strong Multiplayer component. And it was marketed as hell.
Everybody knows Denise Kaigler is completely useless, you shouldn't trust anything she says. Her job consists of pulling stuff out of her ass and telling it to the press. :roll:
NMH sold fairly well for a niche title, that's why it's getting a sequel.
[QUOTE="glez13"][QUOTE="IronBass"]NMH hardly sold "like crap", if it sold enough to warrant a sequel. And about MadWorld, I'd say because it was aroung 6 hours long. HarlockJC
Isn't the NMH sequel going to be a PS3/360 game?
No it's still a Wii only game Right. But after that Suda 51 might be done with the Wii.
Games cannot be hardcore. Damn.OreoMilkshakeI agree, my grandma is playing a Flight Sim at this very moment. :D
Since when have Nintendo titles ever appealed to a 'hardcore' market? Mario, Zelda, Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, etc have always and will always be mainstream titles.. much like GTAIV, Call of Duty's, Halo, etc.Instead of Nintendo wishing for some 3rd party dev to create a 'hardcore' game for them why don't they do it themselves?
What do you think the Star Fox and F-Zero fans are waiting for?Instead of Nintendo wishing for some 3rd party dev to create a 'hardcore' game for them why don't they do it themselves?
No it's still a Wii only game Right. But after that Suda 51 might be done with the Wii.[QUOTE="HarlockJC"][QUOTE="glez13"]
Isn't the NMH sequel going to be a PS3/360 game?
Thats their last game that there making for the Wii I believe, and the two games will remain at the Wii. The Ps3 and 360 will probably be getting something new.
[QUOTE="Yandere"]Since when have Nintendo titles ever appealed to a 'hardcore' market? Mario, Zelda, Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, etc have always and will always be mainstream titles.. much like GTAIV, Call of Duty's, Halo, etc.Instead of Nintendo wishing for some 3rd party dev to create a 'hardcore' game for them why don't they do it themselves?
Nintendo making a new IP would be a smart idea for them., Even more if it's for a genre then haven't explored yet.
Note that although Suda said this is the last NMH for the Wii, he never said the last one for a Nintendo console.
Since when have Nintendo titles ever appealed to a 'hardcore' market? Mario, Zelda, Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, etc have always and will always be mainstream titles.. much like GTAIV, Call of Duty's, Halo, etc.[QUOTE="Haziqonfire"][QUOTE="Yandere"]
Instead of Nintendo wishing for some 3rd party dev to create a 'hardcore' game for them why don't they do it themselves?
Nintendo making a new IP would be a smart idea for them., Even more if it's for a genre then haven't explored yet.
They have enough IPs in their history anyway, they really don't need to make new IPs - they can just revive a few old ones. Plus - they have been making new IPs, those however mostly do not appeal to 'core' gamers.I dont see why developers would make hardcore games for the wii...Thats not where the market is. The only thing they have going for them is how since there are sooo few hxc games, their one new game on the market catches the eye of the hxc wii people (the conduit for example, which would of just failed even more on ps3/360)
I know why. Because Hardcore gamers aren't buying them
Its their fault
Maybe everyone should just think and see if there really is more than a million or so "core" gamers per platform....
Coz if we have "Hardcore" Grind Out RPGs selling in the 100k's on Xbox 360, Wii, ps2 then maybe, just maybe hardcore gamers are few and far between and don't buy as much software as they say they do.
Nintendo is doing their best to give hardcore games themselves
Monando is a key example, a new Nintendo IP RPG, from the creators of the Xenosaga series and Baiten Kaitos.
Heck, they gave EU and JP Disaster, given me one of my favorite all time online multiplayer experiences, a very fleshed out fighter, a superb conclusion to the Prime Trilogy, a new Mario RPG/Platformer, and they are launching new Core IPs this year and next in Span Smasher, Cosmic Walker, Dynamic Slash, and Tact of Magic
not to forget Metroid Other M, Super Mario Galaxy 2, New Super Mario Bros Wii, Zelda Wii, and Pikmin 3, Sin and Punishment 2
plus Punch Out was beautifully resurrected and the Fire Emblem series is up in running in NA and well (lets not forget the new IP in 2005 of Battalion Wars of which the second installment was pretty fun IMO)
I'd say 80% of all consoles userbase are people who aren't as into gaming as people here on gamespot.
[QUOTE="Yandere"][QUOTE="Haziqonfire"] Since when have Nintendo titles ever appealed to a 'hardcore' market? Mario, Zelda, Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, etc have always and will always be mainstream titles.. much like GTAIV, Call of Duty's, Halo, etc.Haziqonfire
Nintendo making a new IP would be a smart idea for them., Even more if it's for a genre then haven't explored yet.
They have enough IPs in their history anyway, they really don't need to make new IPs - they can just revive a few old ones. Plus - they have been making new IPs, those however mostly do not appeal to 'core' gamers.I rather them create new ideas then continue off of old ones.. If other devs did what Nintendo does there would be a lack of games.
Since when have Nintendo titles ever appealed to a 'hardcore' market? Mario, Zelda, Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, etc have always and will always be mainstream titles.. much like GTAIV, Call of Duty's, Halo, etc.[QUOTE="Haziqonfire"][QUOTE="Yandere"]
Instead of Nintendo wishing for some 3rd party dev to create a 'hardcore' game for them why don't they do it themselves?
Nintendo making a new IP would be a smart idea for them., Even more if it's for a genre then haven't explored yet.
, the new IPs this gen (Wii and DS) from Nintendo are as follows: Dynamic Slash (Action/Beat' em' up?), Tact of Magic (RTS/RPG hybrid), Cosmic Walker (? not sure what to call) Trace Memory (Wii and DS adventure), Disaster (action), Monando (RPG from Xenosaga creators on Wii ) publishing the awesome Layton (but i don't think its thier IP per say ) this is not all of them there are more but these are just some examples
even though Fatal Frame won't make it to america due to NoA being complete losers, that should tell you that Nintendo as a whole is very much still willing to give new games previously not on Nintendo consoles to their core loyal Nintendo gamer.
And like i say, Nintendo has never made games for the casual or core, but for everybody
making games for one or the other severly limits the scope of people which your product can compare to
I enjoy Wii Fit a lot more than some "core" games that came out last year personally
Right. But after that Suda 51 might be done with the Wii.Maybe he might have better luck on another system but NMH has been Suba 51 bestselling game. So we will see, I have not cared much for any of his games so far. Look at his newest game Flower, Sun and Rain the game sucks. He is way overrated like the Sam Keith of video games.
Second he states in your link "I think ['No More Heroes 2'] is the last 'NMH' that is going to be developed on the Wii. To expand 'NMH' to new possibilities, we need a new platform. Wii is a great platform, but we've done everything we can with it now." That really does not tell us very much does it. He may stop making NMH games until a new system comes out, he may make NMH games for other systems, or he just may stop making the game altogether.
[QUOTE="Haziqonfire"] Since when have Nintendo titles ever appealed to a 'hardcore' market? Mario, Zelda, Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, etc have always and will always be mainstream titles.. much like GTAIV, Call of Duty's, Halo, etc.darth-pyschosis
Nintendo making a new IP would be a smart idea for them., Even more if it's for a genre then haven't explored yet.
, the new IPs this gen (Wii and DS) from Nintendo are as follows: Dynamic Slash (Action/Beat' em' up?), Tact of Magic (RTS/RPG hybrid), Cosmic Walker (? not sure what to call) Trace Memory (Wii and DS adventure), Disaster (action), Monando (RPG from Xenosaga creators on Wii ) publishing the awesome Layton (but i don't think its thier IP per say ) this is not all of them there are more but these are just some examples
even though Fatal Frame won't make it to america due to NoA being complete losers, that should tell you that Nintendo as a whole is very much still willing to give new games previously not on Nintendo consoles to their core loyal Nintendo gamer.
And like i say, Nintendo has never made games for the casual or core, but for everybody
making games for one or the other severly limits the scope of people which your product can compare to
I enjoy Wii Fit a lot more than some "core" games that came out last year personally
The games that you listed aren't made by Nintendo, a few of them aren't even scheduled to be released in the west.
I would rather have a sequal to a one of their many IPs which have not got one yet, than a new IP. I did not buy a Nintendo system to play new IPs, I bought it to play the IPs I grew up playing.Nintendo making a new IP would be a smart idea for them., Even more if it's for a genre then haven't explored yet.
[QUOTE="OreoMilkshake"]Games cannot be hardcore. Damn.jakehouston88
...for the Wii.
For every console. Way to laugh at your own joke.[QUOTE="OreoMilkshake"]Games cannot be hardcore. Damn.jakehouston88
...for the Wii.
No, in general. Games cannot be hardcore. Anyone can play any game.[QUOTE="glez13"][QUOTE="IronBass"]NMH hardly sold "like crap", if it sold enough to warrant a sequel. And about MadWorld, I'd say because it was aroung 6 hours long. HarlockJC
Isn't the NMH sequel going to be a PS3/360 game?
No it's still a Wii only game Yep, but he said he's done with being wii only after.Note that although Suda said this is the last NMH for the Wii, he never said the last one for a Nintendo console.
It just means the series will go multi-plat for three....
I don't know where the fanboyz got "abandon" from. Suda clearly said he's thinking of moving on to all the platforms to increase sales and not limit himself to just one console. No where did he say, "I'm abandoning the Wii and moving strictly to the HD console twins"..........Shoving words down his mouth anyone?
This is obvious since he made money off of the first NMH and now have the money to develop for the PS3 and X360. If you can do that, why limit yourself to just one console? And if you did good on the Wii, all of a sudden abandon the platform? That make much sense! (then again, i don't expect fanboyz to make much sense at all!)
Games cannot be hardcore. Damn.OreoMilkshake
...for the Wii.
No, in general. Games cannot be hardcore. Anyone can play any game. Agreed, despite my first comment on this thread.[QUOTE="HarlockJC"][QUOTE="glez13"]No it's still a Wii only game Yep, but he said he's done with being wii only after.Isn't the NMH sequel going to be a PS3/360 game?
But he didn't say "Abandon it totally after" either....
It may just mean "I'm taking a breather to work on some X360/PS3 projects, after that is done, I'll come back"......
How did fanboyz jump directly to, "abandon" is a question I want to ask right now.....
The marketing for those games suck.
And how is that Nintendo's fault that third parties aren't marketing their games?
No it's still a Wii only gameHarlockJCRight. But after that Suda 51 might be done with the Wii.
Thats their last game that there making for the Wii I believe, and the two games will remain at the Wii. The Ps3 and 360 will probably be getting something new.
Some interpreted that as him waiting for Nintendo's next console since he wants Travis to be in the next Super Smash Bros.It's because they didn't have Mario, Zelda or Metroid in their title.SpinoRaptor24
That's pretty true. Wii players usually fall into two main categories:
1: Casuals and non gamers who play wiisports, wiifit, mariokart, and guitar hero.
2: Hardcores who only buy nintendo made games and refuse to try or even read about anything third party.
The first group is fine, the second group are the ones who should be ashamed.
A lot of these "hardcore titles" have numerous problems with them. Some are too short (MadWorld), cater to the hardcore but don't offer anything out of the ordinary (the Conduit), are clearly a lazy effort by a developer for a quick cash-in (Dead Rising), or they are marketed horribly.
These developers have all of these problems yet they expect everybody to run to stores to pick up their games, it doesn't work like that. The difference between them and Nintendo is that even for the casual-friendly games like Wii Sports Resort, Nintendo makes sure that they market it well and that there is a high level of polish even for a simple tech demo.
Actually, Nintendo is quite the opposite. They've realized that "Hardcore" gamers are a bunch of online nerds who love FPS, blood, guns and swearing, and really hold a small share of the gaming industry. The industry is huge now. Self titled "Hardcore gamers" are just as bad as self title film buffs who only see Art house pictures and foreign films, and shun anything from that mass marketed "Hollywood machine". Get off your high horse kiddo. Games are for entertainment, and Nintendo happens to make a lot of them be just that. dr-venkmanYet that's not what anyone means by hardcore.
[QUOTE="HarlockJC"][QUOTE="glez13"]No it's still a Wii only game Yep, but he said he's done with being wii only after. He that that he would not be making another NMH for the Wii not the Wii altogether. Personally I could care less where he makes a game. I have yet to find anything he has made to be any good.Isn't the NMH sequel going to be a PS3/360 game?
It's obvious why more serious games don't do well on the Wii, it's because they nurture a casual family userbase by having the Wii too overpriced for gamers, when they could get a much more powerful 360 or PS3 for the same price, hence most people who want to play those sorts of games have a different console.
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