I know it's pretty illogical to be buying a system because my freinds have it, but these are very good freinds but they are not freinds anywhere in the local area so the only way is online play. And considering the dismal state of how the wii does online it's extreamly questionable to buy the system just for that. For all the first party games? Unless they release a new Star Fox my mind is why bother? They don't really interest me at all. Super Mario Galaxy? I'll play it but it's not like i'm dying to. Brawl? I'll get it for the online to play with other people but i dont nessesarly like it part of which is the real game but mostly because of the people surrounding it with the torument scene and whatever fanboys saying there is a hidden depth to it, which i never liked to see and made me grow some morbid hatred for the game. I liked the first Smash Brothers, that was fun.
700 on a new PC? well im going to get a new PC eventually but i predict SC2 and Diablo 3 wont come out untill at least 1 or two years from now.
Note: I already have a 360 and i do enjoy it.
For StarkJJ: Heres a rundown why i'm not genually interested in these games.
Star Wars FU: graphically inferior, technically inferior, in all ways to 360 version, plus i hate that they spent time making this instead of Jedi Knight 3 or 4.
The Conduit: I'm a big propenent of The Conduit flopping hard, simply because people that already have any other platform can enjoy something superior. PS3 you got Resistance, Xbox360 you got Halo, and PC you got Crysis. Why would you bother with a game like The Conduit?
MadWorld: I know this sounds rediculous but it's too gory and tasteless for me to stomach it. For some reason i have no problems playing both the GoWs and Condemmed even.
Deadly Cratures: I have no idea about this game, it sounds really weired and crazy, maybe it will be good maybe it will flop i dunno. Excitement level is nuteral.
Disaster Day of Crisis: Same feelings as with Deadly Creatures.
Sonic Unleashed: When was the last great sonic game on the home consoles? Well sonic secret rings was okay but thats still not good enough. It looks really good but i'm really sceptical of it's quallity considering the Sonic track record.
COD5: Other than going to be complete garbage because it's going to A: be made from treyarch, and B: going to be WW2 It will be better on all other systems that is not Wii.
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