Sony, they bought the biggest CLOUD gaming company in the world. For everyone who keeps hyping up and has been took in by the Xbox One's The Cloud are completely forgetting that the ps4 does exactly the same thing. Sony have stated that their console will not be backwards compatible but with GAIKAIÂ they will be able to stream every single back catalogue in the end. If they can do that, that means that they will be able to have more powerful games than the PS4 & Xbox One streamed straight to the PS4 and they have DEDICATED SERVERS as the company is just for cloud gaming. The Cloud isn't proven but GAIKAI is, so people who have been brain washed into this whole The Cloud thing need to wake up and realise PS4 are offering a better service.
Sony                 Vs         Xbox One
Free Offline gaming              You have to pay for online before playing any single offline game and be connected to check.
Free used game sale             Lending games is off limits and selling on used games is a complicated procedure.
Free Access to Features            You have to pay for XBL to even get these features before you have to pay Netflix fee.
ie - Netflix/iplayers
Cloud gaming                  The Cloud (not proven) no one is to sure exactly what is going to happen or knows how they will use it.
(proven company)
ps+ £40/$50                   XBL £50/$60 (+ Subscription for a tv guide maybe $10 a month)
500 gb HDD Changable            500gb HDD Unchangable (have to install every game mandatory)
        Both have the same specs their abouts
           Both come with Blu Ray Drives
£349/$399                      £429/$499
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