There are no such things as accurate sales numbers to consumers. It is simply impossible to tally every sale that is made worldwide from every retailer and reseller.
The only numbers that are accurate are shipped numbers (some companies do indeed call it "sold", because to them, the unit is sold) that come from the companies themselves. They know how many are shipped to retailers, and that is where the accuracy comes from.
NPD data is flawed, if for no other reason that it leaves Wal-Mart off, which is, by far and away, the largest retail chain in the US. VGChartz, NexGenWars, and all the others are guesses. They have "methods" and "processes", but simple fact of the matter is they still operate using guesses, assumptions, and incomplete numbers.
So talk about sales figures all you want, but it is still a highly flawed, and incomplete, system you are using to back up any claims.
It would be better if people started using shipped numbers, instead of trying to downplay them, saying absurd things like "retailers are sitting on millions of X Brand's units", or "X Company is just over shipping to inflate sales!".
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