[QUOTE="Goldmatter"] To be honest i have no idea why people are getting excited.... this game does not look half as good as the majoirty of other shooters on the market. Its trying to sell itself on graphics, which is stupid considering it will look about the same as the original halo 2 which is a 4?5? year old game or half life 2 on the xbox which is also amazingly old. The Wii hardware needsa major overhaul if they want to compete in the market of the 360/ps3 in terms of RPGs & FPS, well unless you like gimicky controls in the games instead of awe inspiring graphics and responsive controls.
Agreeably it has good looking graphics for the wii, but to say they are good graphics by todays standards is a pretty far fetched statement. FPS to me are sold on how immersive they are which relys heavily on sound and graphics which is why FPS are at the forefront of the graphics industry, which is why the wii with its dolby pro logic II and system specs pretty much identical to the original xbox just cant hack it.
while i'll reserve judgement on the conduit til i know more about it, I disagree that the wii can't provide an immersive fps. the metroid prime games prove it with great art, sound and controls. the online capabilities are there as mohh2 shows. while having the extra horsepower can makes things look and sound nicer, not having them doesn't doom a game to be bad. by that logic, crysis is the only fps worth playing.
if high voltage nails the controls, single player campaign and the online. this is a first day purchase for me.
I personally think that the metroid games are more Action adventure/FPS hybrid than a pure shooter. The online capabilities of mohh 2 are nothing in comparison to halo 3 or Cod4 etc etc, nintendo just doesnt have the online infrastructure to make them as popular onlien as the 360 and ps3 counterparts, but i do agree it is a big step forward for nintendo.
I should emphasis i said rely heavily on the graphics and sound, it does not mean that is the only element to the game i just find that it plays a large part in that genre more than other genres like sports games etc. If crysis would run on its highest settings for everyone yes i do think it would be it at the forefront of FPS games. But sadly that is not true. Other games like gears of war which in reality are a generic FPS to me where put into the AAA list with its amazing graphics and good charater and level design, combine that with the duck and cover A button it was amazing experience. But take away the graphics and personally i think it would be in line with alot of other FPS.
Nailing the controls i think are the key part to success for the game. The wii mote so far feels clumsy in comparison to the joystick equiverlant, but then again im one of the people who have played 100hr + of FPS online so im comparison to an average gamer i would say im more acustomed to two joysticks, over a lightgun and joystick combo.
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