Cows - Killzowning with Guerilla's deliverance. PS3 selling everywhere. Announced IPs looking even better and some being released this year. New announcements for games and a few new IPs for PS3 at Playstation Premiere. Add in GT5 looking absolutely spectacular. Cows are on a high.
Lemmings - All time low. Hardware issues are clearly evident with Microsoft's announcements. The poorest E3 showing. Halo 3 getting mediocre previews. Various 360 titles lose exclusive to PC (Gears of War especially). Peter Moore, tatoo man of lemmings, sent out of Microsoft.
Sheeps - Feeling abandoned by Nintendo with their E3 showing. WiiFit, taking a third of the conference time, aimed towards non-gamers and has zero application to hardcore games. Poor showing of games and only one obvious rehash game announced. If they continue this, the gamers who love the old Nintendo will be leaving.
Hermits - You got Starcraft 2, you got Crysis. You're fine.
The shift of power has clearly gone to Sony's side of late. Even mods (or a mod) bought a PS3 ^_~
Wow. PS3 iIS THE WORST CONSOLE AS OF TODAY. Their E3 was PATHETIC. The price drop may be helping the sales of PS3 but they also make less and less on the consoles. Sony's E3 was a joke, there BIG game was just a longer version of the MGS4 trailer we have been seeing for a few years now. GT5 did not impress me very much at all. There are a lot of great looking racers out there already.
Microsoft may not of had the best E3 but it will have the biggest year in 2007. They have Bioshock (ya its on PC also, but i think a lot of 360 owners would prefer to play it on their 360 over the PC) and the granddaddy of them all: Halo 3. MICROSOFT WILL MAKE MORE MONEY OFF OF HALO 3 THAN SONY WILL IN PS3 SELLS IN 2007.
Ok I think you forgot about some games nintendo showed. We got actual game play from Super Mario Sunshine. Also the third installment of the Super Smash Bros. series is coming out this year. Also Wiis are flying off the shelf much faster than any other console so who cares if they only talked about Wiifit its not like Wiis won't sell.
I doubt you are a PC gamer based on your "review" of their games. PC gamers are getting an MMORPG that may finally take WoW off its throne. The Warhammer MMO is coming out first Q. next year. Starcraft II will be huge, the original Starcraft audience will play it to see the new changes and new gamers will want the RTS experience. Spore which was bigger at E3 06, is still a very anticiapted game and should be. Also ,yea they are getting their own versions of GoW and Bioshock. The more money Epic makes on Gow for Pc, just goes to help making GoW II which will be on the 360.
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