Back when I was just a Nintendo "Sheep" and Sega Ghost, Sony came into the picture with the announcement of their new Playstation Console. Some of my friends felt betrayed at my supporting of Sony's entrance to the gaming market. I liked that they brought CD's for game storage to the table, making CG sequences and higher quality music and sound possible in video-games. I happily chose to be a "cow."
Few years forward, Microsoft came forth with their announcement of the Xbox console. I avidly supported their arrival, being that I firmly believed that if any company were to bring internet connected gaming to consoles, it would be Microsoft and their server expertise. I happily accepted the label "lemming."
Now Apple is around the corner with their iPad. I will happily be a "Worm." A simple-mided worm ignorantly living in its fruit based home/food source, "supposedly" unaware of the other food sources outside of its "walled garden."
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