Its official: Nintendo's "innovative" waggle has been finally relegated to the land of cheap gimmickry.
When the Wii first came out, reviewers overlooked its underpowered hardware and lack of storage by playing up the "potential" of such a fresh and innovative control method which would revolutionize gameplay. Unfortunately, after 2 years of disappointing implementation, it has failed to deliver on that promise.
It has failed so badly, in fact, that Nintendo has had to release a clunky hardware 'patch' to provide the Wiimote with some of that promised functionality. Will it be enough, or is it too little too late?
Don't get me wrong, I think the Wiimote should definately get props for its technical innovation. Its a step in the right direction for many type of console gaming. It still has a ways to go, and will never replace dual analogs for the majority of game genres.
Now that Star Wars Force Unleashed, a game that Nintendo SHOULD HAVE capitalized on with the inherent Wiimote/Lightsaber union that should have been a match made in heaven. Instead, this game's control scheme fell short of dual analogs, and when you couple that with ugly visuals, you have a very good reason to see the Wii for what it is: A casual game system that has no place in the HD era.
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