Reading rumors about the NX, Xbox 1.5, and PS4.5/4k, I can't help but be concerned about how the console market is edging closer to the PC or smartphone market.
As a dedicated console gamer, I have to ask myself what the point of owning a console is if they're going to be upgraded every couple of years?
Whose fault is it that we're marching down the path of annual console upgrades?
To be completely fair and objective, I have to say the blame lies entirely on Microsoft and Nintendo.
I'm not being a fanboy (Read my name) or trolling when I say this, but I think both of these companies are cancerous to gaming and should take a hike.
The reason why I prefer SONY to these 2 slimeball companies is because SONY operates on maintaining goodwill with their customers. When SONY releases a flop like the PS3, SONY sticks with their guns and supports their products until the very end. The PS3 was a giant moneypit for SONY, but SONY wanted to make their fans happy to maintain their trust when they release the PS4. SONY's dedication was rewarded, as the PS4 is now destroying the competition.
SONY's business philosophy is putting their fans first so they continue buying SONY products.
Now let's have a look at both Nintendo and MS.
Both Nintendo and MS don't have the dedication that SONY has. The moment they release a flop (Wii U, original Xbox, Xbox ONE, Game Cube), they don't even bother trying to preserve the trust they have with their fans who bought their crappy products like SONY would. Instead, they have an emergency business meeting a couple of weeks after the product releases discussing their plans for a successor.
We can see how their business model failed, as they have hardly any fans left (GameSpot is Cow Spot) and are on the brink of shutting down.
Both the NX and Xbox 1.5 are Nintendo and Microsoft going back to their old habits of giving up on failed products, crying like a baby and wanting to restart the generation.
Unfortunately, I feel that there is a lot of emotional stress over at SONY. They don't want to betray their fans, but with Nintendo and MS acting like complete crybabies, SONY may need to release an upgraded PS4 to fend-off the new machines.
I say this as objectively as possible: I feel the gaming industry would be better without MS and Nintendo, because their business philosophy isn't consumer-friendly while SONY's is.
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