Why Heavy Rain?
It isn't going to sell well, obviously -- and it won't have any noticeable impact on the current system wars. If you want to hype it because it looks cool, then go ahead, but you really should do that in the PS3 forums. System Wars is about hyping games that will have a positive impact on a console's sale standings. So yes, you should hype games that look good and have the potenital to sell well because of it, but Heavy Rain doesn't have strong indications of either at the moment, given the mixed feelings from the recent gameplay videos and the fact that its audience is very niche.
Why Alan Wake?
Same as above. Heavy Rain isn't going to win Sony E3, no matter how awesome it may turn out to be. Why would Alan Wake win it for MS? The people on SW may be very interested in these two games, but my god -- if these are the two "heavy hitters" of 2009, then I feel sooo bad for all the gamers out there in the real world.
MGS4 for 360, Why?
This one I shouldn't even have to explain. MGS4 has been out for a year, it's sold like over 4 million copies (correct?), which is about right considering the history of its previous titles sooooooo, how exactly does this game coming to another platform matter to Microsoft at all? MGS4 came out, pushed PS3s, and did it's job.
Remember BioShock? It was awesome, sold well for 360 -- one year later, announced for PS3 (and people called ownage lol) -- sells like utter trash. BioShock going to PS3 didn't matter, the only reason people are hyping an MGS4 360 announcemt so badly is because they somehow feel like it makes their system superior and that they are owning fanboys.
Final Fantasy XIII for 360 was a huge annoucement, and those types of reveals are the ones that win E3s. Not year old games that come to a system with a minimal fan base.
These are just a few of the logical flaws I've noticed in SW. Please don't tell me how you care about the games and not the sales. So does everybody, but arguments over game quality never end, and this war has to before the next one begins.
I'll end my post with some advice to the 3 factions.
Wake up. Gran Turismo 5 > Heavy Rain. I know a lot of gamers on here aren't into cars, but this is System Wars, and GT is perhaps the biggest franchise Sony has right now. Why you would hype an E3 showing of a niche game of questionably quality over a massive GT5 reveal is beyond my understanding.
Stop with Alan Wake, stop with Killer Instict, stop with the games that have not, and will never win an E3. Perhaps you should be getting ready for some exciting new hardware for the 360? Games like Halo ODST and ME 2 are nice to have in the bag, but think bigger. Forza 3 is a big one IMO.
You already know Nintendo has the casual market in a chokehold, especially because you already know Wii Motion Plus is coming out with all sorts of new software. So what do you do? Hype the possibility of a huge core title to draw in more gamers, perhaps a Zelda. It doesn't really matter, Nintendo may not win the show, but they'll definately win the war.
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