Off the top of my head what i have for a backlog is as follows
PS4 - Killzone Shadowfall, Batman: Arkham Knight, The Evil Within, Metro Redux, Lara Croft: The Temple of Osiris, and that is it i believe for that one.
Wii U - Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones, Earthbound Beginnings, Earthbound, Lego City Undercover, Deus Ex Human Revolution: Dirctors Cut, Darksiders 2, Resident Evil Revelations, Legend of Zelda 1, 2 and Link to the Past, Super Mario Bros 1 and 3, Super Mario World, Unepic, Guacamelee, Pikmin 3, and thats all i can remember at the moment.
3DS - Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask 3D, Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening DX.
PS Vita - Final Fantasy X/X2 HD Remaster, Oddworld Strangers Wrath HD, Persona 4 Golden, Chrono Trigger (which is absolute fucking heaven by the way) and Soul Sacrifice Delta.
MGS V The Phantom Pain has taking my life over and this is what it did.
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