It's difficult for me to post at this forum because anytime I post anything even remotely negative about Playstation, I get moderated and messages telling me I will be banned. I was banned for a bit already for engaging in system wars. I am hanging on a thin thread right now for NOTHING. Never insult anyone, I don't troll, I don't do anything other than constructively participate in the systemwars forum.
I didn't know this was the protect Playstation forum, I thought this was systemwars? I start my post with this so the babies can calm down and not cry so much about what I am about to say. No, this is not trolling. Anything negative against Playstaion is called trolling and is a banable offense. That's the trick you guys have. How can it be trolling if it is highly logical and to the best of my knowledge true? Yes it's my opinion but are opinions considered trolling if they are critical of Playstation? That's absurd.
My suggestion to the mods is to tell the Sony crying babies to go to the Playstation section if they can't handle systemwars and of course if I go there anti PS, you can moderate me as you should. This is systemwars, a criticism of Playstation should be allowed, if not what is the point of this board?
Now to the meat of my topic. While most here are concentrating on Sony's domination of current gen, they are ignoring all of the hard work Microsoft is putting in to completely annihilate Sony in the next generation which is coming very soon.
The things MS is building right now simply take time. They have built a robust foundation of technology for their just amazing BC and most importantly, FC. Those who say BC doesn't matter, fail to realize everything you are playing today will be BC next gen. If you think it doesn't matter to play this gen's games @60fps in 4k on the next gen Xbox, you are sadly mistaken. BC also includes current BC with 360 games that already run incredible in 4k on the X1X, will run at 60fps and 4k next gen. Sony is miles behind, so far they can't catch up. The only argument they have is it doesn't matter or streaming is the future. If you're in that camp of beliefs, have fun with that. Videogames is the only form of entertainment people argue BC doesn't matter. No one argues that BC doesn't matter in movies or books for example because again, that's absurd.
Forward compatibility is even more important because it means today's current gen X1X will run all next gen games. Yes they will have to run at 1080p and 30fps but damn that's still amazing to have a console today that runs current gen games at 4k and will still run next gen games pretty good. Sony on the other hand can't compete because their current gen PS4 Pro only has 8 GB of GRAM so that means maybe they can do 720p on next gen games if they put a major effort in developing the framework but they are betting on something else instead.
Sony believes next gen will be a traditional gen. The PS5 will have some form of BC but will most likely run PS4 games in stock form. It will concentrate on the next gen graphical leap. Problem is if you have a current gen system(PS4/PS4 pro), you can't run next gen games. That means day one Sony will start with zero installed base. Microsoft will have millions of users who have an X1X and will just buy next gen games and run them great. If you want 60fps next gen, there will be the next gen Xbox. Sony has fumbled this ball at the 1 yard line because they are squandering their massive lead they accumulated this gen.
Finally games, Sony is the king of games, right? Things change next gen. Have you heard about all of the studios MS has acquired as of late and the others they are looking at and rumored to buy? The main thing that jumps out at you is that the future of Xbox will have a great variety of games and yes, many exclusives. Meanwhile Sony caters to those who love the cinematic "movie game" formula for their exclusives. If that's what you fancy, Sony will be the system for you. Everyone else will move to Xbox.
Pick up a next gen Xbox and you will have literally thousands of games running great in 4k and 60 fps in your living room. Kind of like buying a high end PC only without the headaches and the Xbox lives where PCs can't travel, again the living room. If you're a Playstation owner disgruntled by the direction Sony has taken, you can easily pick up an X1X which will be $199 by then and play all of games with great BC and next gen games as well. You'll be playing the same multiplat games that are running on the PS5 and next gen Xbox, WOW! Looking at it from that perspective in an intelligent logical way, how on earth can Sony compete with Xbox next gen? I am telling you, they can't and they won't.
I am looking for intelligent replies. What do you think Sony will do, do you believe they will change course and surprise everyone with better than expected BC and FC? Or do you believe Sony continuing the traditional generations is the way to go? If so tell me why.
***I am ignoring all of the wall of text replies and the insults. I know the moderators will lock this thread when all the delicate Sony babies cry out. I may even be banned for this offensive "trolling post", so this may be my last post on this forum. If I get banned and this is my last post, have fun posting guys, it's been fun reading and interacting with the intelligent members here. There are a lot of you and that is why I post here. But just realize you are no longer in systemwars. This is a Sony board full of babies who keep asking where are all the Xbox guys? They got banned because of your crying, that's where they are. They are not hiding, you don't tolerate them on this board which ironically is named 'Systemwars'.***
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