Ya'll remember this clusterfuck? I remember playing this on the 360 years ago, getting both aggravated and entertained by the unholy amount of glitches in this game.
I don't know about so glitchy it's fun, just tons of games that are so fun they manage to rise above just how rough they are.
But I will say one game that comes to mind is Dead Island. There's a crafting glitch where when you craft a throwable up to it's inventory slot stack limit, every subsequent crafting produces a whole stack worth of that item. So using one set of crafting resouces for say deo-bombs, once player has 30 in a stack, every one the person produces afterwards produces 30 more each time, so players can produce hundreds for next to nothing. This makes the game oh so much enjoyable to play, makes it far less of a slog to get through.
UMK3. It's a bad fighting game. It's also one of my most played fighting games, even owned the cab at one point.
Plenty of glitches and wonky hitbox interactions even at regular levels of play. Start pushing towards high level play and things start falling apart. Wildly inconsistent combo scaling, players sliding across the screen, "camera" not being able to track the action, sprites frozen on screen and sometimes floating off into space, the fight moving into the ground plane, actions transferring to the opponents 2nd character in 2v2 mode, etc, etc, etc... Then a whole host of audio and visual bugs.
It's a great time.
Unfortunate Mercenaries 2 released in unfinished state, I really enjoyed the first game and followed closely on development of the sequel. Same thing happened with Godfather 2. EA just being greedy releasing games bit too soon as usual.
I really like eurojank like elec or kingdom come deliverance.
Unfortunate Mercenaries 2 released in unfinished state, I really enjoyed the first game and followed closely on development of the sequel. Same thing happened with Godfather 2. EA just being greedy releasing games bit too soon as usual.
I really like eurojank like elec or kingdom come deliverance.
Same. Honestly, I wish they didn't cancel the third game. I would've loves to have seen a game like the 2nd one with actual polish.
The core game-play of Mercs 2 was fun, if you can get past the ungodly amount of glitches, the grand total of 5 lines repeated by EVER NPC throughout the game, and the dumber than dirt AI.
My guilty pleasure will always be
Definitely... Played through it a few times. Was really pissed the trilogy never happened. They definitely could've done better with it, but it wasn't as bad as some reviewers made it out to be. 4/10s were reaaaally not accurate.
Piranha Bytes is my go-to answer for these types of questions.
Skyrim I guess as well, but that's not "the game", it's "the modders" using it as tool-box.
I remember some of the funniest bugs I ever encountered were in various Arma 2 mods, including the original Dayz mod.
stuff like crazy de-sync in multiplayer where you'd be the passenger in a car and see it flying through the air/underground doing crazy flips and shit while for the driver everything looked normal.
or, the animations would break in a truly ridiculous way.
The Dayz stand-alone version might be a strong contender as well. You could take car doors off and carry them around, and I remember at one point there was a bug where you'd get stuck carrying a car door.
or another, where you'd get stuck with a bag on your head.
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