I'll go game by game on my opinion:
Dragon Age 2: Going to suck and have a lot of content cut. Will be worth buying when the complete (what should have been in at launch day) edition is out.
Witcher 2: Looks to be good. Day 1 buy.
Tactics Ogre: Looking good and hopefully it isn't too easy. Possible day 1 buy.
Magicka (RPG?):Cool little game to waste time on.
Dungeon Defenders: Could be good given it blends action RPG with tower defense.
Diablo 3 (not really an RPG):Will be good for what it is but don't see it appealing to me as it seems too streamlined.
Torchlight: See Diablo 3. First one was too easy but did have a nice charm so I could see myself getting it on sale.
Grim Dawn: Now this one I am looking forward to. Titan Quest had great development that let me make a unique character without having to choose a class before seeing the abilities. May get it day 1 depending on price.
Guild Wars 2: This is going to be my game of the year. The fact that Arena Net shows so much on the game at this point in development shows that they are proud of the game and I'm sure that will show in the final product.
Old Republic: I'm not so sure on this one honestly. It looks good but every recent Bioware game has really turned me off. Will be buying at some point to go through the story then probably drop the subscription.
Age of Decadence: Bringing back Fallout style combat with choice and consequence. Looking to be really good and will probably gonna get my money shortly after the first wave of reviews.
Mass Effect 3 (RPG?): I don't see this winning any RPG awards but it will probably be a decent third person space opera.
Skyrim: Mixed on this. After Oblivion my gut is telling me to back off but everything I hear makes me more and more interested. Gonna wait for reviews and some friends opinions before I get this one.
Overall the best year RPG fans have had in a LONG time. I'm used to getting like 3 good rpgs a year. With a potential for 7 a lot of my time will surely be spent in front of my computer.
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