@dimebag667: My point wasn't that all pursuits of such fads are a waste of time, money, and resources but rather done so by teams/studios/publishers who don't understand their audiences and just look to trends for their design choices.
Crafting made sense in Last of Us with the setting and story being told. Know where it didn't make sense? Dead Space 3. But there's an entire crafting system in that game solely there to charge microtransaction fees to those who don't wanna grind for materials. Remember all the knock-off Minecraft games that used to plague Xbox Live Arcade and such? Existing to either dupe unsuspecting customers into buying something they thought was Minecraft or misrepresent what the product is because they know Minecraft is much more popular.
That's the point. Just cause the team thinks it is worth pursuing doesn't mean it always is and if the team pursues something that isn't worth it the issue isn't with the consumer because they liked something else that contained said feature or whatever. It's the team's fault for not understanding their audience and wasting time, money, and resources on things no one wants who would buy their game.
Naughty Dog took a gamble with Uncharted 2's multi-player and it paid off but at the same time including some sort of co-op horde mode wasn't really that much of a stretch given the core gameplay and how often you will fight alongside NPC's in an area where you have to outlast enemies swarming in from all over.
On the flip side of that though is something like Spec Ops: The Line's multi-player mode which is totally at odds with the story being told and the reason that story is being told. The entire mode was dead on arrival and became a point of mockery for being tone deaf when the main story is about exposing the harsh realities of war and the horrors that stay with us even when the conflict itself is long over only for multi-player to be a third person Call of Duty wannabe experience.
Teams wasting their time on that stuff have no one to blame but themselves and management.
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