Lets get one thing out of the way first, I'm not bashing Halo ok, I know Halo is a better game........at the moment :wink:
Killzone for the PS2 was rather underwhelming but I have to say that the idea's behind killzone are really fantastic, I think if Killzone was done right it could have been the greatest FPS. Killzone had the best looking weapons in an FPS, they looked really... you know like real weapons but enhanced and they gave you a feel of power when you pump the helghast full of lead. Speaking of the Helghast those are like such awesome enemies, usually FPS enemies are just there for you to shoot at but the helghast were just so memorable.
I love the fact that Killzone takes place in a parallel world but does't have all the sci-fi crap, you know like aliens and evil-space monkeys etc, it feels like WW2 but different, a gritty WW2-esque FPS with amazing bad-guys and awesome weapons.
I recently just saw the Killzone trailer for PS3 again and I was like 'thats how killzone is supposed to look and feel', that trailer is just awesome and I bet that everyone of us -including fanboys- wishes that Guirilla delivers with PS3 killzone. I shown the trailer of Killzone (PS3) to a few of my friends and they were really impressed and thought the look and feel was way better then Halo (don't worry I told them it was CGI before they saw the trailer).
So in my opinion if Guirrilla can make Killzone like that CGI trailer then I have no doubt that it will triumph Halo 3, I mean think about it what idea do you like better, a sc-fi shooter where you play as a super-soldier to fight space aliens or a gritty WW2 type shooter where you play as a humans with heavy waeponry fighting against menacingly evil enemies with heavy weaponry.
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