What master plan you may ponder?!?!? Its the plan to rejuvenate an entire corporation with release of a product that embodies all the technologies of that corporation in one product meant to masquerade as a gaming console. Yes folks, its Sony and the beloved PS3!!!!
Now before the Sony fanboys go on a tirade of damage control bombarding me with "bu-bu-but teh CeLL" or "wait til 20xx and S0ny wi!L sHow iTs pot3ntiAL!!!" or my personal favorite, the itemized list of unreleased/unproven games due to launch sometime next year and beyond. This topic isnt about that, its about how the plan worked to put Sony's ailing departments back in the black as intended with the launch of the PS3.
As any informed consumer would know, Sony was in the red in all of its departments except for its gaming division. The greatness of the Playstation brand (PS1 and PS2) allowed the corporation to stay afloat during its most difficult times. With Sony facing tough competition and falling behind the times on multiple fronts (TV's, Movies, Music, Electronics, etc, etc...), the Playstation was the only product pulling its own weight and more. With that knowledge Sony devised a plan to replenish its revenue and put its company back on top as a electronics juggernaut.
Since no other product could reach the masses in Sony's arsenal, the next gen Playstation (PS3) would become the gumbo pot of technology (the trojan horse, as some may call it) to advertise all of its products in one device (minus the TV, :P ).
To be quite honest Im suprised the plan worked but there was one minor hiccup....While the various divisions of Sony were able to post profits, the PS3 (the product that initiated the plan) is not selling well as anticipated. For all the fanboys just stop with the damage control...dont even take it there, the PS3 is not selling well at all...in any region!
Im sure this wasnt part of the overall plan, but Im sure it is something Sony wont lose any sleep over. Its funny how people bashed MS for wanting to break in to the gaming market to get a taste of its profits while completely forgetting that Sony did the same thing (a company not known for gaming wanting to break the into a market foreign to them). Remember people, Sony is not Nintendo, they are not a gaming company that needs to game in order to survive. They sell electronics and of course they have more products to sell than just a gaming console.
As a gamer that supported their initiative during their entry into the market (a breath of fresh air in gaming), I am ashamed in the manner they are handling their product. But business is business and hopefully they will produce a product next gen intended for gaming now that Sony Corporation dire days are over.
Game On....
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