For me. TFC. It was christmas some years ago, I was in 7th or 8th grade that I finally got a PC for x-mas ( i grew up on macs.) My buddy has been telling me about how great TFC was, but I never played it, but the day after X-mas, I ran out to an EB and got the Half Life Box Set. I loaded it up, and from that moment on, my Phone line had a constant busy signal because I was constantly online playing TFC.
Rocket jumping on 2fort, VIP assasination missions. The red dot of death, spying and stabbing snipers in the back, being a medic and infecting the spawn rooms, TFC is the game that turned me into a hardcore gamer. Because of TFC I got into shooters like CS and Half-life (yes i played TFC religiously before I even started into HL) and to this day online shooters are one of my favorite genres because of this game.
I love the game, I got grounded for staying up till 6 am playing it, I took up the only phone line we had, I would play it non stop after school, it still is a personal favorite of mine to this day. Thats why I really cant wait for TFC 2 because of the expierences I had with TFC, my only question is PC or 360!
Thank you TFC for turning me into a total nerd.
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