The Sly Cooper Series, I loved these games for there cool characters, fun levels, and just all around good aura.
:o it is so rare that I find a fellow Cooper fan. Sly Cooper is the most fun series I have ever played in my life. Sly 2 is my favorite game of all time and I don't think it will be beat. All horror games are underrated because a lot of people don't play them. BESIDES Resident Evil, of course.
No More Heroes and Killer7 of course.
Indigo Prophecy deserves a mention itt
I think that Devil May Cry is a tad underrated because of it's difficulty, and people that are looking for a difficult game usually turn to NG or GoW instead, when DMC is better than both of those imho
I don't know if I should say this one but, Okami doesn't get mentioned a whole lot and is an amazin g game that deserves a mention.
and there is much, much more
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