- Wii Library Stats.
1 AAAA (1E)
8 AAA (4E)
54 AA (23E)
87 A (39E)
- 360 Library Stats.
1 AAAA (0E)
34 AAA (7E)
122 AA (15E)
146 A (12E)
Upcomming Exclusives:
- Wii
- Kirby's Epic Yarn
- Donkey Kong Country Returns
- Disney's Epic Mickey
- Conduit 2
- Goldeneye 007 Wii
- Metroid: Other M
- 360
- Halo Reach
Which of these two consoles does System Wars feel has been doing a better job in the console war? After making a Wii hate thread some posters STARTED to change my mind about the Wii. I can't make a PS3 thread because my "fans" will come sabotage the thread :P So this way I'm a neutral bystander. Give me your honest opinion guys.
Wii > 360
360 > Wii
Use whatever criteria you find relevant.
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