This is the game that will make me buy a PS3, this is the game that will have lems and sheep converting or gnashing their teeth in jealousy.
As part of the Fabula Nova Crystallis project, Final Fantasy XIII embarks on an adventure full of mysticism, friendship, and strife in the name of destiny. The world calls for change. Chosen by the crystal to guide the world into this new era of change, Lightning attempts to overthrow the government from which she was cast. Cocoon, for many, is the ideal state of life. Or at least it was. Prosperity reigned upon its inhabitants. Powered by the crystal, they were given everything they would ever need: machines, magic, and other living beings. The citizens of Cocoon were thankful, but soon became scared of the threat posed from without. The people of cocoon grew scronful, outlawing any suspicious personae to the world below: Pulse. Lighning is one such person, and has witnessed the resulting injustice first-hand that has begun to overtake the world of Cocoon. After becoming friends with many of Pulse's inhabitants, she has begun to realize her true destiny.
The world above, as the people of Pulse know it, was enchanted by a magical crystal that established everything that the world has now become. Monorails and hover lanes divide the living sections of the inhabitants. This is a global utopia for all kinds of modern technology. Better yet, it is a place that is constantly evolving. The technology has become so advanced that the place has now decorated itself into a formidable fortress. The defenses accrued have made Cocoon a safe haven from the denizens below, but the people of Pulse do not see it that way. They see it as if the citizens of Cocoon have stranded themselves.
Like Cocoon, the world of Pulse was created by a crystal. 'Awakened,' as the people would state. Due to the harsh rules Cocoon has led, many believe Pulse to be a breeding ground for everything that has gone wrong with the world. It is a place filled with malcontent. They believe this is the source of all the violence and misery that occurs. As a result, the government outcasts "conspirators" to this underbelly. Since then, the exiled Cocoon citizens have discovered the truth. That Pulse is actually full of life, beauty, and majesty. Even encountering a new species: the Rushi. The Rushi are believed to have been granted the power of magic in the form of summons. It is also believed that they hold the task to restoring the world.
Mr. 33cm
This weeks famitsu news translated
FF13: An excerpt from an article in this week's magazine: 'Thoughts determined, times have matured."
- Nomura: "2008 will be the year. There will be tons of news bits, info on characters and summons, and an unexpected connection between the keywords Cocoon and Farushi.
- We're aiming for a demo to give players a hands on on the battle system.
- FF13's theme: determination.
- Farushi: Their existence surpasses humans.
- Rushi: Those chosen by Farushi to carry out a mission. The pigtail girl is a Rushi. Farushi is not the Crystal.
- Mr. 33cm is also a Rushi.
- This time summons are in digital form.
- A new monster that looks like a cross between a turtle and elephant.
- The red thing on Carbuncle's head is a ruby.
- Hint on release date: "I wonder when we'll be able to sleep..."
If you say you don't want this game, then you are a liar...
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