Sony has always had the biggest liabrary of games. People seem to be forgetting that. The Playstation brand, has , for the last 2 generations of the gaming industry, led the competing consoles in userbase dramatically, a title which was finnaly, after 2 generations, taken back by its former leader, Nintendo. Meaning there are more people from the last gen, who are familiar with most of the "PROVEN EPIC" titles that sony is known for, including the MGS series, than there are people from the last gen, who are fans of the "Epic" titles that the xbox was known for.
Despite the fact that the PS3 currently does not have the hardware sales, and game liabrary that the 360 has, people are forgetting a VERY large factor: The Sony fanbase is still much, much larger than the Microsoft fanbase. PS2s have sold almost as much as the 360 has in the last week alone.
MGS4, Killzone 2(sep), Socom confrontation(sep),Final Fantasy XIII(dec),Final Fantasy Versus XIII,God of War 3(march),Gran Turismo 5, all of which are to be released by next march (FF versus possibly)
and how big are the fanbases of the games I mentioned above? All the games above have proven themselves as some of the bigger epic titles that fueled the ps2 to be the best system (yes even killzone redeemed itself with killzone liberation on the psp). And those are just already-proven IPs that already have an established fanbase. not even talking about all the great new IPs we are getting this year. Now, the 360 has very great games, and will continue to get them, but the xbox 360 has already seen one of the only major things that its fanbase went into this gen longing for, which was HALO 3. while the ps3 has to simpily hurry up and get all its proven epic titles out, to overthrow the 360's lineup. Now all thats left for the 360, are POTENTIAL AAA titles that must first prove themselves before they can be accurately hyped, while the PS3s future titles are basically guarranteed to score good. All of the PS3 games that have flopped so far are new IPs that noone cared about, while every one of the major titles comming have already proven themselves as EPIC titles, and are basically guarranteed a good score.
The main point:PS2 fanbase = PS3 fanbase
Well, I have brought it up before in other threads, and was immediately put off as a fanboy. Let me first start off that this thread was typed in a friendly, debative tone, and that I am FAR from a fanboy. I am a true gamer, and will eventually have all systems, I NEVER EVER worship a brand, however of the 3, I like sony. The 360 is currently my default console, although its not mine, I borrow it for weeks at a time though. I love halo 3 very much. That does not make me bias, because if it does, then every single gamer in the world is a biased fanboy because they like one console a small bit better. As long as it doesnt minimise your view of any other console, you are not a fanboy. If you call me a fanboy for this thread, it only proves that YOU are a fanboy because of your unnecesarily antagonistic denial of the point of this thread.
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