okay I've had gameboy fat, gameboy color, gameboy advance, gameboy sp, etc
ive had em all and the DS is BIG and clunky compared to the SP which folds an fits in my pocket
so with the DS you've got a new portable thats bigger then lot of the previous gameboys
the in game graphics are only good for cartoony styled games similiar to the n64 and many consider the snes era better so a lot of games for the GBA are actually more charming graphically then the BLEH BLOCKY n64 (hard to tell what you're looking at) style of the DS (except for some games that don't use much of it it like pokemon which look like a gba game)
so you've got graphics which are seriously debatabley bad cuz the GBA has charming snes styled graphics and the psp has graphics close to the ps2 so really nintendo has got the n64 styled graphics which IMO are ugly i did like some n64 games but cartoony ones like zelda/mario
so as you can see here the psp doesn't really get the best support an the games aren't as good gameplay wise but the graphics are about a billion times better on psp an so is the sound/style and size
so you've got a crappy handheld the DS only doing good cuz of the game support of stuff like pokemon which 99% of the ds owners i talk to own one of the pokemon ds games period.
this isn't a psp > ds this is a GB SP > DS if they just put the new pokemons on it the pen is rediculous i never use it ever and the touch screen is useless too
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