Well I just came to know that the Order 800p (1920 x 800) is using forward rendering instead of deferred rendering and has lightmaps instead of many dynamic lights as confirmed by its lead graphics engineer by the name of MJP on Beyond3D which is to be expected since it is using forward rendering.
Damn cows, I was promised a Crysis 3 killer with Crapzone: Shadow Fail but so far none of the 900pStation exclusives have managed to top even Crysis 2 - a game from 2011. Crapzone failed to top it, Famous for no shadows didn't cut it and the Order 800p....well lets not even go there.
So, cows when will we get a game on 900pStation that even manages to come close to Crysis 2 or would that be impossible because of the cheap ass tablet CPU and a GPU that barely matches a midrange 570 from 2010 that comprises the 900pStation?
P.S. The Order 800 won't have 4x MSAA as the developers are claiming. They are trolling cows to fall for it.
Edit: Since cows were accusing me of lying, here are the sources.
Forward Rendering
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