I know some of you are confused about all this motion control craze and may even resent it. You may feel as if it is threatening hardcore gaming as we know it and as a result we have to fight back against it before it's too late.
But you have to understand that the people have spoken, they have voted overwhelmingly in favor of motion controls. They voted with their wallets and that's why the Wii is such a success. Sure they may be casual gamers but they love to play exercise games and to play dance games and to have a blast with shallow mini games, so what?
Do you really think Sony and Microsoft is going to ignore such a MASSIVE AND UNANIMOUS OUTCRY for these specific type of games and controls? Of course not and that is why you have now Move and soon Kinect.
I have made it clear that I prefer Kinect. I have stated my reasons but i'll try it again. First it's actually cheaper. Especially if you buy a bundle like I will. I'm going to get the $299 bundle and that really leaves me Kinect for $50 because you know the 4 GB slim is $200 and Kinect adventures is $50 so another $50 for the camera and it's a great deal. I never have to buy another piece of hardware to complete Kinect.
WIth Move you go at your own pace but TODAY RIGHT NOW it doesn't really make sense. Maybe by holiday 2011 it will be different. By then maybe the controllers will be cheaper and it will be easier to complete the package. But right now if you want to play a local 2 player game, you need 4 Move lolipop controllers. That will run you $200 right there. Plus another $40 for the camera and each Nav is $30. Also if you don't already own a PS3 then the cheapest Move bundle is $400 and it only includes just ONE lolipop and not even a Nav controller. WAAAY too expensive for no games right now. Maybe in the future things will change.
Another thing about Move that I don't like is that it's EXACTLY THE SAME as the Wii motion plus. Yea I know the graphics are much better but what happens if Nintendo announces the Wii HD next year?
In my opinion Nintendo is planning a MASSIVE UNVEIL of Wii HD at next years E3. Why didn't they do it this year? Because they didn't want it to interfere with the 3DS announcement and launch. Nintendo is very careful about that.
So now let me ask you, what exactly will Move have once the Wii HD has been released? The Wii HD will have MUCH BETTER GRAPHICS and will also have possibly IMPROVED motion controls over what the Move offers. And it will be fully compatible with the regular Wii. And because it's only marketed as the Wii HD, Nintendo can also launch a MUCH BEEFIER Wii 2 to go against the PS4 and Xbox 720 if they have to later on.
Kinect is really something truly new and Nintendo doesn't really have an answer for it. Also Microsoft is smart because they are really treating this as a new console launch and investing heavily here. And the price is right with an entry level Kinect bundle for only $300 and next year they can easily drop the price if the Wii HD comes around.
Finally i'd like to mention the fact that us hardcore gamers have also voted. We have voted with our wallets as well that we love hardcore games. Do not think for one second that Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft has ignored us. Why do you think Nintendo, the SYSTEM THAT BROUGHT US MOTION CONTROLS AND CASUALS LOVE is now going big with the hardcore games? Because our votes have been tallied and we will get the hardcore games that we want.
As big a seller as the new casual market is, the hardcore market is even bigger. Just take a look at Halo Reach or Modern Warfare 2 sales as evidence. Right now, casual games don't come close.
So, how many of you are going to embrace this new *option* available to us gamers and buy one of the new motion control devices of choice?
For one, i'm buying Kinect on day one.
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