As the father of the PS retires I take a moment to reflect on his "sons" and their success. Kutaragis line of products is: PS, PS2, PSP and PS3 (with all the different variants they got over the years). This line of products have made Sony the #1 brand in the video game industry for the last 10 years.
Now, to me, the PS1 was the real ground breaking console. We all know how the use of CDs and the introduction of mature made this the most important gaming device to this date (GT backs me on this one with their top 10 consoles of all time). There is no dening that the original PS is and will allways be a milestone for videogames.
The PS2, once again in my humble opinion, is (it aint dead yet people) the biggest fluke of all times. How a console with the weakest graphics and horrible loading times became so popular? I dont get it to this date... but what is it that people love about the PS2? The games. The PS2 had what we all want frome a console, a TON of games. Games of all kinds and frome all kind of developers and because of that exact thing I believe the PS2 to be a fluke, it became #1 by the hard work of 3rd party developers... if that aint luck... what is. Still, this is just my humble oppinion. In the end the PS2 is and will be remember as one of the greatest consoles of all time regardless of anything else.
The PSP... the first step down the hill. Is it a failure? No, considering that it had been the only hand held system to survive the Nintendo reign over the last... 20 years?... Is it a success? No, considering that this was supposed to be the last nail on Nintendos coffin. The PSP shows how Sony just didnt understand the hand held market, high price for the hardware, high price for the games, short battery life and loading times... all just plain wrong on for a hand held. No one can blame them, if the PS2 is the best selling console ever, why wouldnt people want it on the go? It has better graphics and a ton of features that the competition doesnt. Why the PSP didnt do as well as the its console counterpart? I believe it has to do with the market and not with the hardware.
Last but not least: The PS3. How the mighty have fallen. Is it a flop? a failure? a DreamCast? No, at least not yet. But really, is this what we were all specting? When I thought about the PS3 I though of a machine that will sell like warm bread all over the world. Everyone, including Sony, had it as a sure bet. 5 months later and its not what it was ment to be. Were the spectetion too high? Is it that bad? Am I exagerating? Who knows, but let me tell you, the fate of the PS3 lays in the hands of Square-Enix (?) for Final Fantasy XIII and in the hand of Kojima with Metal Gear 4. The PS3 just isnt doing what it was supposed to do.
No time to check this now, hopefully fanboys will run when they see all the text... hopefully. Comment as you like, I'll check reacitons later.
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