[QUOTE="Nene33"] The PS3 is outselling any console in the history of start ups, it's the Lance Armstrong of the Consoles, it will dominate.
MS is loosing support for the HD-DVD format, they're loosing ground in Europe fast, and as soon as the MGS and FF will be released, all Japanese PS2 players will switch to PS3, effectively taking over the Japanese market.
Face it, the 360 hit the iceberg and it's sinking fast.
Show me numbers that MS is loosing ground in EUROPE? LOL did you just see the pics for the Korean release there was so many empy chairs they could of played musical chairs.
THE FACT is the 360 is selling good. And the PS3 numbers are PATHETIC only selling as much as the Gameboy Advance.
And all we keep hearing is Japan well you can not win if you don't have the USA just like all you say you can not win the Japan market.
The truth is this holiday season will be victory number 3 in a row for 360. With Halo 3 Mass Effect Boshock GTA4 exclusive content. PS3 will be dead last once againg this holiday.
I urge you to post these numbers you speak of for Europe becasue after the release the numbers SUNK fast over there. I though we all came to this as a known fact at this point.
Now you blow some fictional numbers out here were are they HUH???
1.000.000 consoles in the PAL region(it's been front page news right here on GS, just do a search), not the 360, not even the PS2 did THAT good. The PS3 is crushing all other console start-ups, just because it doesn't sell that much in the US, don't mean nothing, the US is NOT AS IMPORTANT AS YOU THINK, that also shows with the PS3's release, the place where the console war is won or lost is EUROPE, and EUROPE is showing the PS3 some big love right now(and Europe isn't the UK, the only Euro country that laggs behind in PS3 sales).
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